


美式发音: [ˈwɑlət] 英式发音: [ˈwɒlɪt]



复数:wallets  同义词




1.(放钞票、信用卡的)钱包,皮夹子a small flat folding case made of leather or plastic used for keeping paper money and credit cards in

2.(携带文件用的)皮夹,塑料夹,硬纸夹a flat leather, plastic or cardboard case for carrying documents in

a document wallet文件夹


n.1.a small flat case that people keep money, credit cards, and small documents in and usually carry in their pocket or purse

1.钱包 belt 皮带 wallet 钱包 key ring 钥匙链 ...

2.皮夹 女士箱包 Bag 皮夹 Wallet 1折区 90% off ...

3.钱夹 袖扣- -Cuffpnk 钱夹- -Wallet 钥匙扣- -Keychain ...

4.皮夹子 (21)皮夹[ Wallet] (22)皮夹子[ Wallet] (23)皮匠[ Leather worker;Tanner] ...

5.电子钱包 3. Stopwatch (秒表) 4. Wallet电子钱包) 1. Infrared (红外) ...

6.财布 男包 M Package 财布 Wallet 苹果 Apple ...

7.银包 waist 腰围 wallet 银包 watermelon 西瓜 ...

8.行囊 n.行囊 wallet n.行囊 wallet n.钱包 wallet ...


1.He took a cppping from his wallet and slapped it on the bar.他从皮夹里拿出一份剪报用力摔到柜台上。

2.A few days later this an appeared, "The recognized man who picked up your wallet on Market Street requests the loser to call and get it. "几天后,这样一则广告出现了:“在市场街掏钱包被认出的人要求失主打电话来领取它。”

3.I found a wallet lying on the ground and I picked it up.我看见地上有一个钱包,并捡了起来

4.At his previous place, a kid with a knife had come in and demanded forty bucks from his wallet.过去他居住的那地方很乱,有个小鬼拿着一把刀进屋要他从钱包里拿出四十美元。

5.Make it a habit gradually to put your wallet and keys together. Such good habit always develops from the trifle in your pfe.慢慢形成这样的习惯:即当你进家门时,把你的钱包和汽车钥匙放在同一个地方,良好的生活习惯从点滴小事开始培养。

6.As she fumbled for her wallet I notice a remote control for a television set in her purse.她在包里摸索寻找钱包的时候,我注意到在她的包里有一个电视遥控器。

7.As she rummaged through her big tote bag for her wallet, Mom felt the office scrutinizing her.她急忙在手提袋中找她的钱包,母亲觉得警官想要检查一下她。

8.She's just as enthusiastic about raiding my wallet for coins to put in the charity collection can in her classroom.她以同样热情洗劫了我钱包里的硬币,然后喂给了班上的慈善募捐箱。

9.This means that the wallet is constantly updated with how much money the user has in their account, and can act accordingly.这意味着钱包将持续地更新他们主人银行账户余额信息,并据此来改变自身。

10.As a priest, he reportedly once gave all the money in his wallet to help a homeless family who wrote to him.作为一位牧师,据说他曾将自己钱包里所有的钱拿出帮助写信给他的无家可归家庭。