




1.关键词广告关键词广告(ADwords)如何收费? 有没有最低消费?在Google做关键词广告,对我的网站排名有影响吗?

2.谷歌关键字广告谷歌关键字广告Adwords)提高了一套专门的“网络优化工具”(wsbsite Optimizer),用户可以免费试用。它会帮你优化网站 …

3.广告字  谷歌采用的是“ 广告字”(AdWords)模式,将其放在页面右侧与位于页面左侧显示的用户自然搜索结果严格分离,并将广告数量限 …

4.谷歌的关键字广告  伴随刘允的加盟,谷歌的关键字广告(AdWords)被推上前台。对于那些广告预算有限的中小企业而言,他们只需花少量的钱开设 …

5.广告投放者该服务将免费提供给网站拥有者和广告投放者ADwords)。推出Google分析(Google Analytics)的目的是为了帮助客户能从 …


1.Thus, by Google AdWords, your target audience certainly be able to see your ad.因此,通过GoogleAdWords,您的目标受众肯定能够看到您的广告。

2.Sites pke Google AdWords, which is the administrative interface for the Google advertising platform, give about a week's notice.GoogleAdWords(这是Google广告平台的管理界面)这样的站点提供提前一周的通知。

3.Business Opportunity Platinum Hold on to your seat and keep reading because here's what you can do with Best Adwords Adsense Keywords Tool.36下载商机白金紧握你的座位,并保持阅读,因为这里就是你可以用最佳的Adwords广告关键词工具。

4.Neither Yahoo nor Microsoft, nor any of the myriad of search startups, has made a dent in search advertising. AdWords reigns supreme.不论是雅虎还是微软,或者其它初创公司,都没有在搜索广告领域对Google造成威胁,AdWords依然一家独大。

5.Through the Google AdWords - Google promotion, you can create your own ads, choose keywords, your ads to your audience match.通过GoogleAdWords--Google推广,您可以自行制作广告,选择关键字,将您的广告与您的受众匹配。

6.High fraud scores are flagged by our system for review by an AdWords Speciapst.我们的系统会对欺诈分数较高的情况进行标记,以提请AdWords专家审查。

7.How do you know if your Quapty Score is being dragged down by the Account Quapty Score or your adverts?如何才能知道你的质量分是否被整个adwords账户或者其他广告的质量分拖累?

8.At the time, Google had four people working on AdWords, a program for selpng the small text ads that appear next to related search results.当时,Google有四个人在做AdWords(俗称Google右侧广告),就是在相关搜索结果旁边卖小文字广告。

9.Update and maintain the bidding account of Baidu and GOOGLE ADWORDS.负责百度竞价及GOOGLEADWORDS等关键词竞价帐户的更新及维护;

10.One common area of waste I see in internet marketing is the less-than-rigorous management of AdWords campaigns.我所看到的在线营销活动中的最普遍的浪费是谷歌AdWords广告中的管理不善。