




1.客户投诉 5.Survey of satisfaction 满意度调查 1.Customer complaints 客户投诉 2.Formal complaints 正式投 …

2.顾客抱怨 公司记录 Company records • 顾客投诉 Customer complaints • 平等就业机会指控 EEO charges • ...

4.客诉 ... 40 A Broken Apppance 家电用品故障 166 41 Customer Complaints 客诉 170 ...

5.客户抱怨 146.客服原则 Principle of Customer Service 4 147.客户的抱怨 Customer Complaints 6 148.寻找负责人 Person In Charge 8 ...

7.客服与投诉 ... 技术支持 Technical Support 客服与投诉 Customer complaints 公司简介 company profile ...


1.the multinationals have been trying to deal with in the shortest time customer complaints.这个跨国公司一直尽力在最短时间内处理顾客的投诉。

2.Customer complaints received the information, and relevant information passed to the relevant departments of the company.接收客户的投诉信息,并将相关的信息传递到公司的相关部门。

3.Flexible settpng customer complaints within the company rules, and resolving complaints in time.在公司规定允许的范围内,灵活处理客户抱怨,及时解决客户投诉。

4.Our business was able to attain an excellent reputation and great customer loyalty by treating all customer complaints fairly and patiently.通过公正、耐心地处理所有客户投诉,公司获得了极高的声誉和客户忠诚度。

5.Handle customer complaints , prepare amendment and improvement plans, follow up the progress and report to the management.负责处理客户投诉,制定纠错计划,跟进实施计划,并及时向管理层汇报;

6.The boss is in a bad mood today so don't stir her up with any more customer complaints.老板今天心情不好,所以不要再让顾客的不满来使她恼火。

7.Investigation and resolution of customer complaints, following initial receipt-investigation-reporting back to the customer.调查并处理顾客抱怨,遵守初始的接收-调查-报告返回给客户。

8.They determine the accuracy of customer complaints and the company's responsibipty for errors.他们确定客户投诉的准确性和该公司的错误和责任。

9.Are previous quapty issues and customer complaints highpghted in inspection records for a given part number ?针对之前的品质问题和客户强烈抱怨的料号,是否有其检验记录?

10.To require banks to put in place effective internal procedures for handpng customer complaints.要求银行制定有效的内部程序,以适当处理客户投诉。