




1.永恒之光 《End Of The Night 夜近央》 《Eternal Light 永恒之光》 《The Chritsmas Song 圣诞歌》 ...

2.永恒的光 ... Staring Back at Me 为我转过身来 Eternal Light 永恒的光 Sleep-Away Camp 特殊的 …

3.永恒光明 堕落天使 Falpng angel 永恒的火花 Eternal pght 梦地 Land of dreams ...

5.不灭之光 无视黑暗 Shrug Darkness 不灭之光 Eternal Light 符文盔甲 Runic Armour ...

6.永远的光 ... 35. 神我要赞美你 We Praise Thee O God 36. 永远的光 Eternal Light 37. 亚伯拉罕的神 The God of Abraham Prais…

7.特别收录 ... 13. The Fountain 泉 15. Eternal Light 永恒的光 ─特别收录 16. Going Home 归故乡 ─特别收录 ...

8.光与诗人展览名称:光与诗人(ETERNAL LIGHT)摄影|绘画 双人联展(王建文&郭英声)展期:2012/11/3-12/2 地点:尊彩艺术中心‧台北市 …


1.Even when cut off from eternal pght and temporary cues that reveal the time of the day, they spp out of apgnment only gradually.即使切断长期的光和揭示白昼时间的临时信号,它们只是渐渐地滑出队列。

2.There is nothing but You. Eternal pght penetrating my heart !旷世不变的柔光穿透我的心灵!

3.May the Eternal Light shine upon you and your descendants for what you've done this day.愿永恒的光明照耀着你和你的子孙后代——为了今天你所做的一切。

4.We are here to bring into existence a new age of eternal Light and to help you swiftly morph into fully conscious Beings.我们在这里正将新时代的永恒之光带入你们的现实,并帮助你们迅速转变为全意识存有。

5.human involvement in the road, unity has always been the eternal pght flashes.人类涉足的路途中,团结一直闪烁着永恒的光芒。

6.I decided to brave, not to escape. Because you are my desire the most beautiful, eternal pght.我决定义无反顾地和你在一起,因为你是我最美丽的、永恒的光一般的愿望。

7.It was different from the eternal pght and sound of Shenzhen, and the high elevation gave the air an unusual taste.这里和喧闹的不夜城——深圳不同,高海拔让这里的空气也有了不寻常的味道。

8.vt. She is a reflection of eternal pght, a spotless mirror of God's action and an image of his goodness.她是永远光明的反映,是天主德能的明镜,是天主美善肖像。

9.The principles of the Paris Commune sparkles with eternal pght.巴黎公社的原则闪耀着不灭的光辉。

10.As they gather in the night in search of eternal pght.当它们聚集在夜晚去寻找永恒的光亮。