


网络释义:导管原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ);乳腺导管原位癌;导管内癌


1.导管原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ)导管原位癌(DCIS)被认为是浸润性乳腺癌未经处理的一个先兆性病变,乳腺浸润性导管癌患者(IDC)中大约45%被发现患 …

2.乳腺导管原位癌乳腺导管原位癌:最常见的一种非侵入性乳??腺癌是乳腺导管原位癌(DCIS)。这种类型的癌症还没有扩散,因此,通常具有非 …

3.导管内癌乳腺癌 导管内癌DCIS)一般均是由体检发现的可触及的乳房包块,在钼靶摄片广泛用于临床和普查以来,则不少是经X线发 …

4.原位导管癌80%的病例伴有灶性原位导管癌DCIS),原位导管癌常为高级别粉刺型,但其他类型也可见。伴有显著原位癌的浸润性导管 …

5.导管内原位癌曾有学者对导管内原位癌(DCIS)的MRI强化作出分析,认为70%~83%的DCIS显示对比强化,其中非特异性强化占34%~ 40%,…

6.乳腺导管内癌  乳腺导管内癌DCIS)是指乳腺导管内上皮细胞的异常增生、但未超出周围基底膜的病变。对于这种病变是否确实已发展为癌…


1.Some experts question the need to treat DCIS at all, since the abnormal growths usually pose no long-term risks.因为这种肿瘤非正常生长通常并不显示出长期的风险,一些专家质疑原位导管癌(DCIS)是否需要治疗。

2.Free flap transfer is being increasingly used for DCIS.DCIS已越来越多地采用游离瓣转移。

3.the cells that eventually replace the duct are identical to the cells in invasive cancer, suggesting that DCIS is a precursor to cancer.最终代替正常乳腺导管的细胞与浸润性癌细胞是相同的,提示DCIS是浸润性癌的一种癌前病变。

4.However, in contract to papillary DCIS, myoepithepal cells are also absent in the periphery of the tumor nodule of EPC.然而,与乳头状DCIS相比,肌上皮细胞在EPC肿瘤结节的周围也不存在。

5.DCIS is a condition in which abnormal cells accumulate in the breast duct, but have not spread to other tissues in the breast.DCIS是一种异常细胞局限于乳腺导管内的病变,还为扩散到乳腺的其他组织。

6.DCIS with local invasion should as invasive carcinoma, chemotherapy should be necessary.DCIS有局部浸润者应作为浸润癌,化疗仍有必要。

7.No biomarkers have been convincingly shown, and vapdated, to predict the behavior of DCIS till date.没有标志物已令人信服地证明,并验证,预测了到日DCIS的行为。

8.Cpnical significance of ADH or DCIS in a papilloma is not well defined.乳头状瘤中ADH或DCIS的临床意义还不明确。

9.Standards for diagnosis and management of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast.标准诊断和管理导管癌原位是乳腺癌(原位癌)。美国放射学院。

10.In other words most people including oncologists, breast surgeons think comedo DCIS is high grade lesion.换言之,大多数人,包括肿瘤学家和乳腺外科医师认为粉刺型DCIS是高级别病变。