


美式发音: [snɪtʃ] 英式发音: [snɪtʃ]




第三人称单数:snitches  现在分词:snitching  过去式:snitched  同义词

n.informer,stool pigeon,grass,sneak,blabbermouth




1.[i](informal)~ (on sb) (to sb)(向家长、教师等)告发,告密,告状to tell a parent, teacher, etc. about sth wrong that another child has done

Johnnie snitched on me to his mom.约翰尼在他妈妈那儿告了我的状。

v.1.〈俚〉告发,告密 (on)2.偷,扒3.偷窃


v.1.to tell someone about something wrong that someone else has done2.to take something you are not allowed to have

n.1.<slang>Same as snitcher2.a person who tells someone in authority about something wrong you have done. This word shows that you dispke people who do this.

1.告密者 战争力量/ BattleForce 告密者/ Snitch 在一起/ Together ...

2.告发者 lull 使平静, 哄骗, 使安静 snitch 告密者, 告发者 snicker 窃笑 ...

3.偷 snip 剪断 snitch 告密; snowdrift 雪堆 ...

4.纪念碑大街 迷色布局 Gingerbread Man,The 纪念碑大街 Snitch 名人录 Celebrity ...

5.限时翻供 200 Clepto( 盗窃犯) 240 Snitch飞贼) 270 Rat( 地鼠) ...


1.Alas, as the snitch is his wife, you can't do this. Any attempt to discuss it with her will make it worse.哎,因为告密者是他的妻子,所以你不能这样做。如果你试图跟她谈论这件事,只会使事情变得更加糟糕。

2.Individually, they could choose (without being able to talk to the others) either to snitch on their team-mates or to stand by them.就个体而言,他们(不能与他人交谈)可以选择告发队友,或与守口如瓶。

3.Way up above them, Harry was gpding over the game, squinting about for some sign of the Snitch. This was part of his and Wood's game plan.哈利在很高的空中,在赛场上方轻盈地滑来滑去,眯着眼搜寻飞贼的影子。这是他和伍德制订的比赛计划的一部分。

4.To take(something, especially something of Little value)in a furtive manner; snitch.偷以偷偷摸摸地方式拿(某物,尤其是没有什么价值的东西);扒

5.Carry the snitch along with you, as well as a broomstick, to look as if you just came from a Quidditch game.带着你的金色飞贼和扫帚回来,这样就有刚从魁地奇比赛中胜利归来的感觉啦!

6.The Snitch. His nerveless fingers fumbled for a moment with the pouch at his neck and he pulled it out.飞贼。他无力的手指在脖子上挂的皮袋里摸索了一会儿,把它掏了出来。

7.The dark cloaked snitch used his combine to call the Imperial authorities, and directed a squad of desert stormtroopers to the fugitives.这个穿深色披风的告密者用通讯器联系帝国当局,把一个班的沙漠冲锋队引向那对逃犯。

8.You don't feel out the modification of the company, to snitch, such people do not dare to.你没有摸清楚改公司的内部情况,先想打小报告,这样的人没有人敢要。

9."Exactly, " said Harry, and with his heart beating fast, he pressed his mouth to the Snitch.“对。”哈利说着把金色飞贼贴到嘴边,心怦怦直跳。

10.Something about having the Snitch on top of his head and not noticing. Malfoy didn't seem too happy.说什么金色飞贼就在他头顶上,他都看不见。马尔福看上去可不太高兴。