


美式发音: [ˌdi di ˈti] 英式发音: [ˌdiː diː ˈtiː]






1.滴滴涕(旧时尤用作农业杀虫剂)a chemical used, especially in the past, for killing insects that harm crops



n.1.a poisonous chemical used for killing insects that destroy cropsIt also kills animals and is dangerous to humans, so is no longer allowed in many countries. This kind of chemical is called a pesticide or an insecticide.

1.滴滴涕(dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) (2)室内滞留喷洒采用持效性菊酯类杀虫剂 或滴滴涕DDT)。菊酯类杀虫剂在传播季 节喷洒1—2次,每次间隔3个月;滴 …

2.杀虫剂合成的有机杀虫剂DDT)有机磷、除赛剂、食物着色剂、亚硝基化合物,钢、晒、砷、汞等的损害生育功能机理尚在研究中 …

3.杀虫剂滴滴涕人工杀虫剂滴滴涕DDT)于1847年问世。1939年,瑞士化学家保罗·穆勒发现它是对付部分昆虫的有效神经性毒剂,因此获得 …

4.双对氯苯基三氯乙烷1、滴滴涕,化学名为双对氯苯基三氯乙烷DDT),(Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) 是五至七十年代最常用的农用杀虫剂, …

5.敌敌畏五.防止苍蝇靠近的敌敌畏(DDT)火腿 新手 | Join Date: Apr 2007 | Posts: 45 中国人吃啥?

6.二氯二苯三氯乙烷事对暴露于二氯二苯三氯乙烷DDT)及其同分异构体和代谢产物是否会影响女性生殖激素(尿孕二醇-3-葡糖苷酸[PdG]和雌酮 …

7.滴滴滴滴滴滴(ddt) 0.5μg/l 六六六 2.5μg/l 苯并(a)芘 0.01μg/l 细菌学指标 细菌总数 50cfu/ml 总大肠菌群 0cfu/100ml 粪大肠菌群 0cfu…


1.Once upon a time, this was the primary technique, and, in fact, many countries got rid of malaria through DDT.这曾经是基本的技术,而且事实上,很多国家就是用DDT消灭了疟疾。

2.IRS has proven to be just as cost effective as other malaria prevention measures, and DDT presents no health risk when used properly.室内残留喷洒已证明如同其它疟疾预防措施一样经济有效,并且滴滴涕在正确使用时无健康风险。

3.DDT was banned in the 1970s, in part because it had been found to be weakening bird eggs, resulting in serious population declines.滴滴涕在20世纪70年代被禁止使用,部分原因是它已被认定是鸟蛋变脆的罪魁祸首,造成了鸟类数量的严重下降。

4.What was not known at the time, however, was DDT's propensity to accumulate, persist and damage the environment.然而在那时没有人知道,滴滴涕有富集性,稳定性并且破坏环境。

5.This book caused DDT to be made illegal, and helped save the Bald Eagle, among hundreds and hundreds of other animals.它使DDT非法化,在数百万的各类动物中,挽救了白头鹰——美国国徽的标志。

6.The use of DDT caused the peregrine falcon to become extinct throughout much of its normal range throughout the Eastern United States.DDT的使用使得生活在美国东部的猎鹰在其许多正常生活区域内归于灭绝。

7.The effects of the size and shape of propellant grains, oxygen balance of charges and its permeabilities on the DDT are analyzed.分析了推进剂颗粒尺寸和形状,装药的氧平衡和渗透性对DDT的影响;

8.Okay, we could talk about Rachel Carson and DDT, but we know it wasn't good for you and me.好,那我们现在来谈谈蕾切尔·卡逊和滴滴涕,我们知道,滴滴涕对我们每个人都是有害的。

9.Microwave extraction technique is a rapid, accurate and effective method to determine trace hexachlorocyclohexane and DDT in soil.利用微波萃取可快速、准确、有效的测定土壤中痕量六六六、滴滴涕。

10.they also requested that the Secretary use his power to suspend the marketing of DDT immediately as an "imminent hazard. "当事人还要求农业部长利用其权力马上中止对滴滴涕的销售,因该农药具有“紧迫的危害性”。