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网络释义:分布式文件系统(distributed file system);无病生存期(disease free survival);分散式档案系统



1.分布式文件系统(distributed file system) 0回答 20 关于 …

6.离散傅里叶级数(discrete Fourier series)的离散傅里叶级数(DFS)表示(见离散时间周期序列的离散傅里叶级数表示),得频域的N点离散周期序列X((k))N ,最后从X((k))N 中 …


1.Lynn A. Arce, a DFS consumer-marketing vice president, said the company plans to hold more such sales exhibits in the future.DFS的消费市场副总裁林恩-阿尔刻(LynnA.Arce)说,公司还计划举办更多的此类展销会。

2.Reppca set : Two or more DFS roots or DFS shared folders that participate in reppcation .副本集:参与复制的两个或更多DFS根目录或DFS共享文件夹。

3.Install this update to resolve a problem where diagnostic reports for DFS reppcation cannot be created during the month of December.安装本更新程序可以解决十二月份无法为DFS复制创建诊断报告的问题。

4.DFS, the market leader in the Luxury Travel Retail industry, is now with over 50 years of experience!DFS环球免税集团,奢侈品旅游零售业的行业领导者,拥有超过50年的行业经验!

5.Dfs was unable to open a connection to server %2. The error returned is in the record data.Dfs无法打开一个接到服务器%2上的连接。返回的错误在记录数据中。

6.The project work mainly involved integrating the new security infrastructure over the same distributed file service architecture as in DFS.这个项目主要的工作是,像在DFS中一样在分布式文件服务架构上集成新的安全基础设施。

7.With IBM is declaring its end of support for IBM DFS, NFS Version 4 is becoming the next-generation distributed file system.随着IBM声明将结束对IBMDFS的支持,NFSVersion4正在逐渐成为下一代的分布式文件系统。

8.Administrators can use DFS to make it easier for users to access and manage files that are physically distributed across a network.管理员可以使用DFS让用户更方便地访问和管理物理上分布在网络中的文件。

9.In a network environment , the PKT maintains all information about DFS topology , including its mappings to the underlying physical shares .在网络环境中,PKT维护有关DFS拓扑的所有信息,包括其到基础物理共享的映射。

10.For a domain-based DFS root, the PKT is stored in Active Directory, and is made available to each domain controller in a domain.对于基于域的DFS根目录而言,PKT存储在ActiveDirectory中,并对域中的每个域控制器都可用。