


英文单词:分布式资源调度(Distributed Resource Scheduler);德累斯顿(Dresden)


1.分布式资源调度(Distributed Resource Scheduler) BRE (不来梅) DRS (德累斯顿) LIL (里尔) ...


1.You'll probably do most of your overtaking into the last chicane, but the double DRS will allow you to finish the job off into Turn One.你会在进入最后一弯时劲最大可能超车,但两端drs会让你在第一弯就搞定。

2.The work for this contract will be accomplished by the company's Night Vision Systems Inc. business unit in Allentown, Pa.根据合同,将由DRS技术公司的夜视系统分部来进行这项工作。

3.While DRS will attempt to retry the send of the session, it might eventually fail if the congestion still exists with each retry.虽然DRS将尝试重新发送会话,但如果在每次重试时仍然存在拥塞,可能最终会失败。

4.RB: Monaco is no overtaking territory and it's hard to see the situation changing this year, even with the DRS.摩纳哥就没有超车区,今年也看不到有啥情况变化,即使有drs。

5.By configuring correctly, DRS replicates the cached object across the whole cluster and keeps the consistency of the cached data.通过合适的配置,DRS可以在整个集群范围内复制缓存的对象并保持缓存数据的一致性。

6.Double wall adhesive heat shrink tube DRS-DW, the polyolefin material and a special hot melt extrusion processed jointly.双壁涂胶热缩套管DRS-DW由聚烯烃材料及热熔胶联合挤出经特殊加工制成。

7.DRS Technologies will provide maritime information technology equipment, isolation hardware, and production.DRS技术公司将提供海上信息技术设备、孤立的硬件和产品。

8.DRS' infrared imaging technology enables soldiers to see target detail even through heavy obscurants such as sandstorms and fog.DRS公司红外热成像技术可以让士兵们通过恶劣环境诸如风沙或大雾看到目标详情。

9.DRS makes data for session management, dynamic cache, and stateless session bean available across servers in a cluster.DRS使得集群中的各个服务器都可以使用会话管理、动态缓存和无状态会话Bean的数据。

10.Yellow-green color shrink tube DRS-YG , yellow-green color from the special processing is made of polyolefin materials.黄绿双色热缩套管DRS-YG由黄绿双色聚烯烃材料经特殊加工制成。