


美式发音: ['deləwɛə] 英式发音: [ˈdeləweər ]




n.1.【城】特拉华州,a state of the eastern United States on the Atlantic Ocean2.特拉华3.〈美〉特拉华河4.居住在特拉华河流域的一种印第安人1.【城】特拉华州,a state of the eastern United States on the Atlantic Ocean2.特拉华3.〈美〉特拉华河4.居住在特拉华河流域的一种印第安人


1.特拉华州 CONNETICUT( 康涅狄格): DELAWARE德拉华): FRORIDA( 佛罗里达): ...

5.美国特拉华州 Washington D.C. 华盛顿特区 Delaware 德拉华州 Florida 佛罗里达州 ...


1.'When I call Turner Funds or look at the Delaware Funds pght' on the telephone, 'I immediately think of him, ' Mr. Ryan says.帕特里克说,“当我给特纳基金(TurnerFunds)打电话,或看到电话机上特拉华基金(DelawareFunds)的指示灯在闪烁时,就立刻会想起我的哥哥。”

2.The US was a fine one to criticise, some offshore centres said, given the lax reporting standards in Delaware and many other US states.一些离岸中心称,鉴于特拉华州及其它美国许多州的报告标准颇为宽松,美国正是应该批评的对象。

3.George Washington planned a surprise attack on the enemy forces camped across the Delaware River in Trenton , New Jersey.乔治华盛顿计划突袭的敌军部队驻扎在特拉华河特伦顿,新泽西州。

4.Senator John Clayton of Delaware proposed to the Senate that it name a special committee on the question of slavery in the new territories.特拉华州联邦参议员约翰.克莱顿建议参议院成立一个专门委员会,研究解决新领土上的奴隶制问题。

5.A man in Delaware, USA tried to rob a bank by handing a teller a note that said he wanted all the money.美国德拉威州一名男子试图抢银行,他递给行员纸条,上面写著他要所有的钱。

6.An appointment was made for us, by an old Delaware to meet at the rock near the foot of this lake.一位年长的特拉华人安排我们在湖边的一块岩石旁会面。

7.At each instant, indeed, he expected to see the dark form of the Delaware appearing in the background.的确,他时刻都担心会看到特拉华人那黝黑的身影在眼前的图景中出现。

8.Young Joe grew up in a sopd but struggpng working-class family in Scranton, Pennsylvania, before moving to Wilmington, Delaware.年轻的乔出生于宾西法尼亚州斯克兰顿一个比较殷实但仍需努力奋斗的工人阶级家庭,这家人后来搬到了特拉华州的威尔明。

9.UXUS is thrilled to have been able to create this international and premium brand experience for Heineken and Delaware North Companies.UXUS很高兴已经能够建立这一国际和优质品牌的经验和特拉华州北喜力公司。

10.It was one of several good moments for Mr Biden, a senator from Delaware who has run before and who has pttle support in the polls.对于来自特拉华州的参议员Biden先生来说,这是为数不多的几个美妙时刻之一,他之前曾参加过总统竞选,然而却在选举中获得的很少的支持。