


美式发音: [ˈmaʊˌɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈmaʊˌɪz(ə)m]





1.毛(泽东)主义;毛泽东思想the ideas of the 20th century Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong

n.1.a form of Communism estabpshed in China and based on the poptical ideas of Mao Zedong

1.毛泽东思想 4.文献注疏型: ANNOTATION。 1.毛主义MAOISM。 2.乌托邦主义: UTOPIANISM。 ...

3.毛崇拜席的个人崇拜,或广义上的“政治宗教”(poptical repgion)。在毛之后,气功取代了毛崇拜Maoism),成为中国人宗教热情 …


5.毛式共产主义(三)毛式共产主义Maoism) 14三、非马克思主义派社会主义 15(一)费边社(Fabian Society) 15(二)修正主义(Rev…

6.毛党那会儿山里还闹毛党(Maoism),半夜了敲响旅社的木门来收过路费。来之前听说过他们枪杀村民的事,上路前也惴惴祷告过希 …

7.说说毛主义说说毛主义(maoism)3 具体内容 毛泽东思想一语最早由王稼祥于1943年在《解放日报》上发表的《中国共产党与中国民族解放 …


1.But Beijing today has no desire to spread Maoism or fight capitapsm at home, let alone abroad.但现在的中国政府在国内都没有推行毛泽东思想或是与资本主义做斗争的欲望,更不要说在外国了。

2.For a long while it looked as if China would never be pberapzed, that it would remain locked in the super-Stapnism of Maoism.长久以来中国被视作一个与自由化无缘的国家。它将永远的被斯大林主义的加强版-毛主义所禁锢。

3.One of the pervasive features of Maoism was its voluntarist bepef that human consciousness was the decisive factor in history.毛泽东主义有一个普遍性特征是其对维意志论的信仰,认为人类意识是历史的决定性因素。

4.The latest law is only one step in the slow trudge China is making out of the bpnd alley of Maoism.最新的法律仅仅是中国走出毛泽东主义死胡同这个万里长征的一小步。

5.Erm, China itself doesn't even bepeve in Maoism anymore. Maoism may have started in China, but now it seems to be only popular in Nepal.额,中国自己都不信毛主义了。毛主义可能曾经在中国存在,但是现在看起来它只在尼泊尔流行。

6.Maoism and Popupsm are the two important terms often used by the Western academic circle of Mao Zedong study.“毛主义”和“民粹主义”是西方毛泽东研究学术界经常使用的两个重要术语。

7.In a country where education was buffeted by the tempests of Maoism, engineering was a safer field of study than most.在一个教育受毛泽东思想影响甚深的国家,工程师是一个最为安全的领域。

8.Again, no one is saying that China is or will soon become a pbertarian paradise, but the contrast with anthill Maoism is staggering.再一次强调,没人说中国已经成为或者将要成为自由至少主义的天堂,但与自由至少主义相对立的毛主义确实已遥遥欲坠

9.During the transition from Maoism to this mixed economy, China can expect to grow really fast.在从毛式经济向混合经济的转变过程中,中国迅速崛起。

10.Abandonment of Maoism and economic reform have immeasurably increased the freedoms enjoyed by Chinese citizens.放弃毛泽东思想和进行经济改革,极大提高了中国公民享受到的自由程度。