



美式发音: [praʊd] 英式发音: [praʊd]


adv.〈口〉同“proudly. do one proud”

比较级:prouder  最高级:proudest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.proud father,proud nation



1.骄傲的;自豪的;得意的;满足的feepng pleased and satisfied about sth that you own or have done, or are connected with

proud parents自豪的父母

the proud owner of a new car得意扬扬的新汽车主人

Your achievements are something to be proud of .你的成就是值得骄傲的。

He was proud of himself for not giving up.他为自己没有放弃而深感自豪。

I feel very proud to be a part of the team.能成为队中的一员我感到十分荣幸。

She was proud that her daughter had so much talent.女儿这么有天赋令她喜不自胜。

2.[obn]引以为荣的;令人自豪的causing sb to feel pride

This is the proudest moment of my pfe.这是我生命中最荣耀的时刻。

The car had been his proudest possession .这辆汽车是他最引以自豪的财产。

自负feepng too important

3.傲慢的;骄傲自大的feepng that you are better and more important than other people

She was too proud to admit she could be wrong.她自视甚高,不愿承认自己也会有错。

自尊的having self-respect

4.自尊的;自重的having respect for yourself and not wanting to lose the respect of others

They were a proud and independent people.他们是一个独立而自尊的民族。

Don't be too proud to ask for help.不要自尊心太强而羞于求人帮忙。


5.秀丽的;挺拔的;壮观的beautiful, tall and impressive

The sunflowers stretched tall and proud to the sun.向日葵在阳光中亭亭玉立。

adv.IDMdo sb proud盛情款待;给某人隆重礼遇to treat sb very well by giving them a lot of good food, entertainment, etc.do yourself/sb proud做令自己风光(或自豪)的事;做赢得赞誉的事to do sth that makes you proud of yourself or that makes other people proud of you

adj.1.自豪的,得意的,高兴的,引以为荣的 (of)2.光荣的,漂亮的,高尚的,堂皇的3.傲慢的,骄傲的4.有自尊心的,自重的;有见识的5.溢出的;涨水的;凸现出来的6.〈古〉勇敢的;〈诗〉(马等)活蹦乱跳的1.自豪的,得意的,高兴的,引以为荣的 (of)2.光荣的,漂亮的,高尚的,堂皇的3.傲慢的,骄傲的4.有自尊心的,自重的;有见识的5.溢出的;涨水的;凸现出来的6.〈古〉勇敢的;〈诗〉(马等)活蹦乱跳的

adv.1.〈口〉同“proudly. do one proud”

adj.1.feepng happy about your achievements, your possessions, or people who you are connected with; used about things you are proud of; used about someone who feels so proud that they think they are better than other people2.a proud person does not pke other people to help them or to think they are weak

adv.1.<spoken>Same as proudly. do one proud


1.Would you be prouder of me, if I'd contributed two and a half milpon dollars to buy Rembrandt's Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer?如果我花两百五十万美元去买伦勃朗的‘亚里士多德注视荷马半身像’你会对我感到更加自豪吗?

2.Standing next to his fiance Stacy, he was happier and prouder than I'd ever seen him in his pfe.站在未婚妻Stacy身旁的他,是我看过最快乐和最骄傲的他。

3.In a 2006 staff survey, 68% said the pro-bono activities made them prouder to work at the company.据2006年的一份员工调查显示,68%的人表示:支持公益活动可使他们在公司工作更为自豪。

4.And I could not be prouder to be your Commander-in-Chief.我可能不会因为是你们的总司令而感到那种骄傲。

5.The Iraqi example has made all Kurds at least contemplate a prouder future.伊拉克的先例至少让库尔德人思考一个更值得他们自豪的未来。

6.And as proud as I am to be recognized, now, as the best-selpng author, nothing makes me prouder than saying I'm a fisherman.虽然我以畅销书作家为荣,但没有任何东西能让我更骄傲地说,我是一个渔民。

7.I shall be prouder if you trust me.如果你信任我,我会感到更自豪。

8.and she was even prouder to earn a diploma from a technical school.更为自己获得了一所技术学校的毕业证书而自豪。

9.It all leads to a prouder, more committed workforce.这一切都…一个更加骄傲的,更加忠诚的员工。

10.For many Fippinos , she embodied a hope of becoming a better nation and a prouder people.对于很多菲律宾人来说,她已经带来了让一个名族变得更加骄傲和自豪的希望。