


美式发音: [ˈprepi] 英式发音: ['prepi]




复数:preppies  同义词




1.预备学校学生,预备学校毕业生(指有私立学校学生派头的人)a young person who goes or went to an expensive private school and who dresses and acts in a way that is thought to be typical of such a school



adj.1.typical of well-educated young people who wear expensive traditional clothes

1.预科生 come in: 流行起来 preppy: 校园风 drop-out: 退学生 ...

5.大学预科生 predicament n. 困境 preppy n. 大学预科生 puck n. 恶作剧的小妖精 ...

6.学院风格e对朋克风格的作符号语言学的描述,她认为朋克风格与学院风格Preppy)是截然相反的两种社会态度,前者代表向社会抗 …

7.预科风 ... 1.船鞋 boat shoes! 2.预科风 preppy 3.古著 vintage ...



1.Most of the time, guys seem to be in T-shirt and jeans, or maybe in preppy sweaters and vests.通常男人看上去都穿着T恤和牛仔裤,或者可能校园毛线衫和背心。

2.Rather than swag out in Armani suits, Gates takes the lazy preppy approach, opting for a drawer full of V-necks in every hue.与其穿阿曼尼的衣服出门,盖茨走的是懒散整洁的路线,在抽屉里摆满各个色调的V领衫。

3.if i ' m immature , you ' re prenatal . god , to be impressed by that preppy prick.如果我不成熟,那你就还没出生。被一个大学预科生吸引。

4.Michael K. Powell, the nation's communications czar, is dressed in a cardigan sweater and a preppy dark turtleneck.宛如美国通信界沙皇的麦可.鲍威尔,穿著羊毛衫及一件中规中矩的暗色高领衫。

5.It was a true honour and joy to give a preppy spin on some of our favourite Disney characters.赋予迪斯尼家喻户晓的卡通人物以些许学生气质,真的是一件既高兴又给力的事。

6.Even if the double breasted blazer look is not for you, take note of the preppy buttoned up shirt minus tie.即使这件双排扣西装不适合你,也可以留意那件没有系领带的中规中矩的带纽扣衬衫。

7.Classic-fitting golf sweater, designed with a handsomely preppy argyle pattern from luxurious soft cotton for pghtweight comfort.经典装修高尔夫球毛衣,具有丰厚的预科生阿盖尔轻便舒适豪华柔软的棉格局设计。

8.The blue button-down was cute in a way, preppy, which, given that Tom was a law student, seemed okay.考虑到汤姆是个法律专业的学生,这件蓝色的衬衫反倒是在某种程度上显得灵巧、书生气,看起来不错。

9.Some fall designer collections are also expected to bear a Gossip Girl influence: a preppy , ritzy, collegiate look.一些设计师在筹划秋装发布的同时也准备承袭《绯闻女孩》的元素:学院派时尚。

10.He was aggressively anti-intellectual and hostile to east-coast preppy types pke his father, sometimes cruelly so.他极端反对知识分子,对像他父亲那样的东部沿岸的大学预科生心怀敌意,有时会变得极其残忍。