




1.德尔菲诺酒店 ... DA BRUNO( 布鲁诺酒店) Delfino( 德尔菲诺酒店) Duca D'aosta( 杜卡德奥斯塔酒店) ...

2.海豚 鲨鱼 squalo 海豚 delfino 章鱼 piovra ...

3.海豚宝宝 广州雅泰实业有限公司 Guangzhou Yatai Industry Co.,Ltd. 海豚宝宝 Delfino ...

4.戴尔菲诺酒店 M. Bibby / 老鹰 C. Delfino / 公鹿 B. Rush / 溜马 ...

6.管路疏通 ... plumbing: 卫生排水 Delfino 管路疏通。 exactly: 精确地 ...


1.And just pke that, the race for Mike Delfino had begun. For a moment, Susan wondered if her rivalry with Edie would remain friendly.就这样,对于MikeDelfino的竞争开始了。有那么一会儿,Susan很怀疑她和Edie能否友好竞争。

2.Exactly one year had passed since the night Mike Delfino and Susanne Mayer was supposed to become engaged.MikeDelfino和SusanneMayer原本要订婚的那一晚已经过了正好一年。

3.In this manner Delfino triggers an efficient dialectic between identity and dissimilarity, and between sequentiapty and uniqueness.在这种方式下德尔菲诺触发器,与顺序性和独特性和差异性之间的身份有效的辩证法。

4.The defending Olympic champion, Argentina, will be without all its NBA players except Luis Scola and Carlos Delfino.卫冕冠军阿根廷除了斯科拉和卡洛斯-德尔菲诺之外,没有其他NBA球员入选。

5.Mike Delfino was still in love with his late wife.仍然深爱他的前妻。

6.Delfino probably rejected her, I have heard their dialogue accidentally.好像拒绝她了,我无意中听到了他们的对话。

7.EDIE: Hi Susan, I hope I'm not interrupting. You must be Mike Delfino.嗨,Susan.希望没有打扰到你们。你一定就是MikeDelfino。

8.Jupe? Mike Delfino just invited us to dinner Friday night.MikeDelfino刚刚邀请了我们星期五晚上去吃晚饭。

9.Current 2-guards: Stephen Jackson (playing out of position), Carlos Delfino (ditto)当前2号位:史蒂芬杰克逊(在这个位置上打得很吃力),德尔菲诺(同上)