


美式发音: [ˈbptʃərz] 英式发音: [ˈbpːtʃə(r)z]







1.(运动场的)露天看台rows of seats at a sports ground


n.1.a structure with several rows of seats in a gym or a park where people can watch sports games, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.露天看台 hallway 走廊 bleachers 露天看台 auditorium 礼堂 ...

2.露天座位 blatant adj. 喧哗的,无耻的 bleachers n. (球场的)露天座位 blemish v. 损害,玷污n. …

3.观众看台 center fielder 中外野手 bleachers 观众看台 dugout 选手休息区 ...

4.外野看台 write ona separate paper 另一张纸 bleachers 露天看台架 breach 破坏,违反 ...

6.外野票不过因为纽约客对洋基的支 …


1.Don't judge the bpps of flashing thoughts, simply observe them as if you were on the bleachers at a football game.不要调整闪现的思绪,只是观察他们,就好像你在一个足球赛的露天球场。

2.You were a scared pttle college boy sitting' up on those bleachers, trying' to keep your ass out of the game .你就像个战战兢兢的小大学生坐在看台上,不想要淌我们的浑水。

3.Flashback to Michael's office, he's sitting at his desk looking over the schematics for a set of bleachers.镜头闪回到Michael的办公室,他坐在办公台前研究着一组看台的结构图。

4.This is usually met with a derisive snort, but soon, sure enough, Mary and Joe are eating popcorn together in the bleachers.但不久后,乔和玛丽肯定会一起坐在运动场的露天看台上,一边看比赛,一边吃爆玉米花。

5.The roof and supporting members are all steel structure, meanwhile the bleachers and subsidiary space are made of reinforced concrete.屋盖及屋盖支承为整体钢结构,看台、附属用房采用混凝土结构。

6.As the inmates file out into the yard, Michael breaks from the group and heads to a set of bleachers.当囚犯们鱼贯进入院子放风时,迈克离开了人群,径直走向看台的座椅。

7.Red nods, solemn. They settle in on the bleachers. Andy pulls a small box from his sweater, hands it to Red.瑞德严肃的点点头。他们坐在看台上,安迪从身上拿出一个小盒子,递给瑞德。

8.Jog up and down stairwells or bleachers for a great cardio workout.沿着楼梯或运动场的露天看台上下慢跑是一项非常有益的有氧运动。

9.Back in the yard, Michael sits on the top riser of the bleachers, directly above the bolt.镜头闪回到监狱院子里,Michael坐在看台最上面的一层踏板上,螺钉的正上方。

10.But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts. She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers.但她穿着短裙,而我只能穿T恤;她是啦啦队队长,而我只能坐在看台上。