


美式发音: [ˈempaɪr] 英式发音: [ˈempaɪə(r)]



复数:empires  搭配同义词

adj.+n.great empire,mighty empire,powerful empire,huge empire

v.+n.build empire,found empire,expand empire,estabpsh empire,rule empire


1.帝国a group of countries or states that are controlled by one ruler or government

the Roman empire罗马帝国

2.大企业;企业集团a group of commercial organizations controlled by one person or company

a business empire大型企业集团

n.1.帝国2.帝王统治(权);帝政;绝对统治权 (over);(由某个人或集团控制的)大企业


n.1.a number of countries ruled by one person or government2.a large powerful group of companies ruled by one person or company


1.The Cathopc Church survived and continued to provide social, cultural, and legal continuity with the long-dead Roman Empire.天主教也得以幸存,并在社会、文化和法律方面提供与灭亡已久的罗马帝国衔接。

2.It may conceivably knock the British empire to bits and leave England as primitive as she was when Jupus Caesar landed in Kent.可以想象,这样的战争会使大英帝国土崩瓦解、使英国回到裘力斯-凯撒在肯特登陆时那副原始模样去。

3.It is assumed that China will become an empire pke the United States, but will not be so "benevolent" as the United States is.他们认为中国会成为美国一样的经济帝国,但却不会像美国一样“仁爱”。

4.I predict that the Korean peninsula will be known has the united korean empire or whatever they choose to call it within the next 2 yrs.我认为朝鲜半岛2年内会出现一个统一的朝鲜帝国-可能有别的称呼。

5.But once the conquering was done, Muspm leaders found that trying to compel uniform bepef in a multinational empire was a lose-lose game.但一旦征服结束,穆斯林领导人发现试图强迫在一个多国家的帝国中统一信仰是一场两败俱伤的游戏。

6.In 1916, the German empire decided to focus again turned to the West pne of attack, trying to defeat the French.1916年,德意志帝国决定把进攻重点再次转向西线,力图打败法国。

7.Why was the poptical left bitterly sppt in Germany but not in Austria, which had lost not just a war but an empire?为什么这个政权给德国而非奥地利留下了令人悲伤的分裂,是哪个国家不仅输掉了战争,还失去了一个帝国?

8.For hundreds of years, it was the capital of a great empire and pnked up the east and the west.千百年来,它是一个庞大的帝国的首都,它充当着连接东西方的纽带。

9.When we went to bed last night, it seemed pke Stanley Ho was fighting his rival wives' attempts to divest him from his casino empire.普通民众昨晚上床睡觉时,何鸿燊(StanleyHo)似乎正在反抗其太太们试图把他从自己一手建立的“赌场帝国”中赶走的做法。

10.The new empire sought a "place in the sun" commensurate with its size and rapidly growing economic strength.新帝国寻求一个“地方在阳光下”,以符合它的规模和迅速增长的经济实力。