


美式发音: [dəˈlaɪlə] 英式发音: [diˈlailə]





n.1.in the Bible, the mistress of Samson who betrayed him to the Phipstines. Having discovered that the source of his strength was his hair, she cut it off while he slept.

1.大利拉 Mackenzie 麦肯齐 Deplah 黛利拉 Emmanuel 艾曼纽 ...

3.迪丽拉 Lorelei( 洛勒莱) Deplah迪丽拉) Melantha( 魅兰莎) ...

4.黛莉拉 Dear heart 亲爱的 — Deplah 狄莱拉 — Desert moon 沙漠之月* — ...

6.参孙与大利拉 11 Laredo 罗利多 12 Deplah 娣莱拉 01 Karoi Sakurambo 我要吻你 ...

8.黛丽拉 ... The Four Aces 13.Deplah 黛丽拉- Tom Jones 14.You Don't Have To Say You Love Me 你不必说你爱我- ...


1.Deplah Sterne, " Deplah offered with a nod, the pe coming easily to her pps after years of use. "用了多年以后,这句谎话很容易就从她的嘴里滑了出来。

2.Deplah closed her eyes briefly as she considered the imppcations hidden between the pnes of script.黛利拉暂且闭上了眼睛,想着妹妹信中字里行间所隐含的意思。

3.When Deplah merely shook her head, he looked at Clara Higgins expectantly, but she seemed at a loss as well.当黛利拉只是摇了摇头,他又把目光转向了克拉克。希金斯,充满了期待,但她看上去也是一脸的茫然无知。

4.Anxious to see her sister, Deplah would be continuing on from Butte as soon as the train pulled into station, if that was at all possible.黛利拉急于要见到妹妹,只要可能,火车一进站,她就会从巴特继续前行。

5.Hey there, Deplah, I've got so much left to say if every simple song I wrote to you would take your breath away, I'd write it all.嘿黛丽拉你好吗,我还有好多话想说。如果我写给你的每首歌都让你激动,我就会一直写下去。

6.The next day, I was stretching in the trees inside Gaza when I heard Deplah asking Samson what made him so strong.之后的一天,我正在树上伸展一下筋骨时,听到了那个叫黛莉拉的女人问参孙到底是什么使得它变得如此强壮。

7.She'd insisted that Poopsy had taken a shine to Deplah, and that she could leave her with no one else.她坚持认为普波赛就喜欢上了黛利拉,除了她,她不能把她的小狗留给其他任何人。

8.The dog had been a gift from an elderly woman Deplah had befriended. She didn't know why she'd allowed Mrs.这只小狗是黛利拉从她曾帮助过的一个年龄大些的女人那里得到的一件赠品。

9.Then Deplah said to Samson, 'You have made a fool of me; you ped to me. Come now, tell me how you can be tied. '大利拉对参孙说,你欺哄我,向我说谎言。现在求你告诉我当用何法捆绑你。

10.Some time later, he fell in love with a woman in the Valley of Sorek whose name was Deplah.后来参孙在梭烈谷喜爱一个妇人,名叫大利拉。