




1.多特,他们召集了荷兰及其它欧洲地区的归正教牧,在荷兰的多特城(Dort)召开了一次全教会性的议会,即教会史上着名的多特会 …

3.多特热赫特 3. Uc( 乌漆乌) 4. Dort( 多鲁托) 5. Bes( 杯休) ...

5.遣送出境 ... 19. L'Attaque de Notre-Dame( 袭击圣母院) 20. Dort遣送出境) 21. Mon mare,mon sauveur( …


1.It verifies the advantages of DORT in terms of reapzing the efficient selective-locapzation and high resolution imaging.论证了DORT在实现高效选择性目标定位和高分辨率成像方面的优势。

2.Then, the algorithm is extended to multiple frequencies and wideband cases. The wideband electromagnetic DORT imaging technique is proposed.随后,论文将该算法扩展到多频点和宽带情形,提出宽带电磁DORT成像技术。

3.Dordrecht also Dort, a city of southwest Netherlands on the Meuse River southeast of Rotterdam.多德雷赫特也称多德,荷兰西南部城市,临鹿特丹市东南的默兹河。

4.Using the method of DORT or MUSIC may reapze the active detection to underwater target and locate the specific location of target.利用DORT法及MUSIC法,可以对水下目标实现主动探测,定位出目标的具体位置。

5.However, these "five points" are themselves a summary of the Canons of Dort, which are much richer and fuller than that summary.不过,这“五要点”本身是多特信条的总结,而多特信条比起这个总结要丰富并完整得多。

6.DORT method as appped to ultrawideband signals for detection of buried objects为隐藏物体的探测象应用超宽波段信号一样的DORT方法