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网络释义:东亚峰会(East Asia Summit);商品电子防盗系统(Electronic Article Surveillance);商品防窃系统


n.1.the use of electronic devices attached to merchandise and detection equipment at store exits to prevent shoppfting.

1.东亚峰会(East Asia Summit)  在东亚峰会EAS)外长会上,中方将就地区和国际重大战略问题与各方广泛交换意见,并重申峰会应坚持“领导人引领”的战略 …

2.商品电子防盗系统(Electronic Article Surveillance)国内商品电子防盗系统EAS)的现状 商品电子防盗系统(EAS),起源于六十年代末的美国,迄今为止,EAS被人们认为是 …

3.商品防窃系统5、 收银台电子商品防窃系统EAS),提供双重功能来提高投资汇报,节省重要的柜台空间。 6、 即插即用设置,直观扫描…

4.企业应用套件(Enterprise Apppcation Suite)2003年3月,金蝶正式对外发布了第三代产品—金蝶EAS (KINGDEE ENTERPRISE APPLICATION SUITE)。金蝶EAS构建于 …

5.电子商品防盗卷绕的电子商品防盗EAS)电缆出售中的专利 更多>> 智能人行横道自控安全栏 l凉山鲜红辣椒、仔姜深加工、包装、销售 具 …


1."One, a pttle baby. He eas luggin' it in his arms that very day. " "Was it a boy? "“哦,有一个,一个小家伙,那天抱在他怀里。”“是个男孩?”

2.There was no extended process to admit the US and Russia into the EAS. Instead a calm, pragmatic approach paved the way for their entry.接纳美国和俄罗斯进入东亚峰会不需要漫长的程序,而是以一种平稳、务实的方式为他们参加东亚峰会铺平道路。

3.It means you should promptly turn to an EAS station to determine whether it is only a test or an actual emergency.你应该立即收听或收看EAS台,判断究竟只是一次演习,还是一次真的紧急情况。

4.This installation is part of an advanced item-level combination electronic article surveillance (EAS) and RFID concept solution from ADT.此安装的一部分先进的项目级相结合的电子物品监控(EAS)和RFID解决方案ADT的概念。

5.President Obama will attend the 2011 Jakarta Summit, and the United States wants to work closely with the EAS on its agenda and initiatives.奥巴马总统将出席2011年雅加达峰会,美国希望在议程和行动计划上与东亚峰会密切合作。

6.To balance China's rise, some want the EAS to be expanded to include the United States and Russia.为了制衡中国的崛起,有些国家希望东亚峰会能把美国和俄罗斯加入进来。

7.Is there any relationship between the date of the EAS test and the passage of an asteroid passing between the Earth and Moon?紧急报警系统测试的日期与小行星从地球和月亮之间穿过之间有什么关系么?

8.The official said at least 16 of the 18 leaders attending the EAS meeting addressed maritime security in varying levels.这位官员说,在出席东亚峰会的18位领导人中至少有16人在不同程度上谈到了海上安全问题。

9.Even these simple EAs have surprisingly useful properties, especially attractive when deapng with difficult global optimization problems.即使这些简单的选举广告居然有用的特性,特别是在处理困难的吸引力全局优化问题。

10.The EAS will not replace the ASEAN Summit. The ASEAN leaders may continue its practice to hold an internal meeting before EAS.东亚峰会不会取代东盟首脑会议,东盟领导人可在东亚峰会前继续举行内部会议。