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网络释义:欧洲央行(European Central Bank);欧洲中央银行;在欧洲央行


abbr.1.European Central Bank

1.欧洲央行(European Central Bank)- 以金控旗下子公司个案为例 近年来国内企,业透过海外可转换公司债(ECB) 之发行自国际资本市场募集资金以渐成风气。

5.欧央行欧央行(ecb)4月,主要的利率,在7日进行追加利率恐怕作为根据的食品、能源价格的上升,在广泛的物价上涨,有可能引发矛盾。 1 …


1.In fact, an unconditional ECB bail-out could be dangerous, just as a eurobond would be if not accompanied by a fiscal union.实际上,欧洲央行的无条件纾困可能带来危险,正如未建立财政联盟就发行欧元区债券一样。

2.Jean-Claude Trichet, ECB president, said the "very substantial" upward forecast revision followed an exceptional recent growth spurt.欧洲央行行长让-克劳德•特里谢(Jean-ClaudeTrichet)表示,这一“非常大”幅度的向上预测修正,是在近期异常急速的增长之后做出的。

3.But mostly because, after the mini-inflation scare following the ECB's bailout plans for Europe, we seem to be having a deflation scare.但最主要的原因是,在欧洲央行(ECB)纾困欧洲的计划引起小小的通胀担忧后,我们似乎产生了通缩担忧。

4.He said the ECB was a "young, powerful but increasingly arrogant institution" .他表示,欧洲央行是一个“年轻、强大但越来越傲慢的机构”。

5.Similarly Jean Claude Trichet, head of the European Central Bank, spoke about how the dust had begun to settle on the crisis.同样,欧洲央行(ECB)行长让-克洛德•特里谢(Jean-ClaudeTrichet)阐述了此次危机已开始要尘埃落定。

6.As a bank, the European financial stabipty facipty would be able to access ECB pquidity in a refinancing crisis.作为一家银行,欧洲金融稳定安排(EFSF)能够在一场再融资危机中使用欧洲央行的流动性。

7.How much longer before the European Central Bank acts?欧洲央行(ECB)还要等多久才会采取行动?

8.He said he expected the European Central Bank would soon need to take some type of emergency action.高盛首席欧洲经济学家ErikNielsen表示.他预计欧洲央行(ECB)将很快需要采取某种紧急举措。

9.Any "pre-commitment" on interest rates might undermine the influence of the ECB, Mr Trichet warned in a speech in London.特里谢在伦敦的一次演讲中警告称,对利率做出任何“预先承诺”(pre-commitment)都可能损害欧洲央行的影响力。

10."The ECB could well end up getting much of the blame for the sharp economic slowdown, which is now in the pipepne, " he said.他表示:“欧央行最终很可能要为经济急剧放缓承担大部分责任,目前经济已有放缓之势。”