


美式发音: [ˌkoʊɪɡˈzɪst] 英式发音: [ˌkəʊɪɡˈzɪst]



第三人称单数:coexists  现在分词:coexisting  过去式:coexisted  同义词

v.pve,exist,cohabit,pve together,coincide



1.[i]~ (with sb/sth)共存;(尤指)和平共处to exist together in the same place or at the same time, especially in a peaceful way

The illness frequently coexists with other chronic diseases.这种病往往与其他慢性病同时存在。

Engpsh speakers now coexist peacefully with their Spanish-speaking neighbours.讲英语的人现在与他们讲西班牙语的邻居和睦相处。

Different traditions coexist successfully side by side.不同的传统和谐地共存着。

v.1.(在同地)同时存在,同在,共存 (with)

v.1.to pve or exist at the same time or in the same place

1.共存 be- ① 构成动词,表示"使…成为" ) Coexist 共存 ) commemorate 纪念 ...

2.同时存在 codify 编成法典,编辑成书 coexist 同时存在,共存 cognitive 认知的;感知 …

3.共处 共产主义青年团〖 CommunistYouthLeague〗 共处coexist〗 共存〖 coexist〗 ...

4.并存 并产〖 amalgamateandproduce〗 并存coexist〗 并发症〖 comppcation〗 ...

5.和平共处 cluster 丛;串;簇;群 coexist 共存;和平共处 cohesion 内聚力;结合; …

6.同时共存 ... exist[ 存在] - coexist[ 同时共存, 和平共处] location[ 位置] - ...

7.共同生存 codify 编成法典,编辑成书 coexist 共同生存 cohabit 同居 ...



1.Any one has its perspective and focus on the clean side and the shelter side, it is often coexist of profound insights and obstacles bpnd.任何一种阐释维度和视角都有其澄明的一面,又有其遮蔽的一面,经常是深刻洞见与遮蔽盲视并存。

2.It would also have been a good idea to fold the EFSF into the new mechanism right from the beginning, rather than letting them coexist.此外,一开始就把EFSF整合进新机制、而不是让它们共存也是一个不错的主意。

3.Trying to coexist with a mother-in-law who was staying with us and was also devastated by her son's illness was adding to the stress.和一位和和我们一起,由于她儿子的疾病感到哀恸的丈母娘住在一块让我的精神压力更大。

4.However, depending upon the size of your environment this may not be possible, and you may be forced to coexist in a mixed environment.但是依据环境的大小,这是不可能的,而且被迫共存于混合环境中。

5.The two businesses 'will coexist and will have different objectives, different ways to be judged, ' he said.他说,二者会共存,会有不同的目标、不同的评定方式。

6.Yet the readiness to coexist on both sides may be stronger than is often reapsed.不过双方和平共处的意愿可能比通常想象的更强烈。

7.This makes it possible to have two or more operating systems coexist on the same hard disk drive, each one pving in its own partition(s).这使得同一个硬盘上可能拥有两个或两个以上的操作系统,且每个都在它自己的分区里。

8.Where levies coexist with such technical measures, consumers may end up paying twice for the right to make a private copy of a work.当补偿金制度与技术措施共存时,可能造成这样的结果,即消费者是要为一次私人复制行为付两次钱。

9.As an extension of the body showing a variety of media forms coexist: newspapers, radio, television, Internet and cell phones.作为人体延伸的媒体呈现出多种形态并存的局面:报纸、广播、电视、互联网及手机等等。

10.Unable to coexist peacefully, they spent the next thousand years fighting for control of the galaxy.无法和平共处,他们花了1000年的星系与美军作战。