




1.弗伦奇结果与所要达到的目标二者之间的符合程度。根据测验的目的,弗伦奇(Frech)和米歇尔(Michbie)把效度分为内容效度、结构 …

2.法国 瑞士 Swiss 法国 Frech 摩纳哥 Monaco ...

3.压铸机 Perricone MD/ 裴礼康 Frech/ 馥蕾诗 Armani/ 阿玛尼 ...


1.With Yum Frech food and nice white wine, we enjoyed it a lot!美味的法餐和白葡萄酒,享受极了!

2.It's still early in the semester, and French and his classmates on the design team are deciding on the look of their intracampus site.现在一个学期刚刚开始,Frech和他设计组的同学正在决定怎么布置他们的校际网站。

3.And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, Frech fries and, for dessert, ice cream.晚餐她吃鸡肉、西红柿和薯条,甜点是冰淇淋。

4.Are their letters the same, Engpsh and Frech?英语跟法语字母相同吗?

5.I can speak German quite well, but I can't speak Frech very well.我德语讲得相当不错,但法语不太好。

6.On the other hand, if you're not depressed, marriage could have the opposite effect, Frech said.弗伦奇指出,另一方面,如果你是个性格开朗的人,婚姻则可能对你产生相反的效果。

7.I disapprove of what you say, but Iwill defend to the death your right to say it. (Voltaire, Frech writer)我不同意你说的话,但是我情愿誓死保卫你说话的权益。(法国作家伏尔泰)