




1.偶数 2. odd numbers 几数,单数 3. even numbers 偶数 4. at least 至少 ...

2.双号 14 单号 Odd Numbers 15 双号 Even Numbers 16 衣帽寄存 Cloakroom ...

3.双数 even-numbered seats; 双号座位 even numbers 双数 double the amount;twice as much 双份 ...

4.奇数 ... 负整数 Negative Integers 奇数 Even Numbers 偶数 Odd Numbers; ...

5.骷髅杀手 Human skeleton 撞色骷髅手镯 Even numbers 骷髅杀手 Eye of storm 眼球风暴 ...


1.The data with even numbers of these series were used to obtain the regression coefficients and all data were then considered for vapdation.从这个数据序列获得回归系数,并进行检验确认。

2.The door shields mendang refers to the round ood carvings on the top of the door pntel which usually came in even numbers.门档指位于门楣上方的圆柱形木雕,一般都是双数。

3.The total magnetic moment showed monotonic increase with size up to 5, which alternated with odd and even numbers.总磁矩随尺寸的增加线性递增,并呈现奇偶交替的现象。

4.Thus, again, only the even numbers will be passed to the body of the loop itself.因此,只将偶数传递给了循环主体本身。

5.This example code generates a table of the squares of the first five even numbers, as shown in Figure 3.如图3中所示,上面的示例代码生成了一张表,显示前五个偶数及其平方。

6."Google was bidding with numbers that were not even numbers, " one of Reuters' sources said.其中一位线人表示:“谷歌在出价中使用的数字甚至都不是自然数。”

7.If you're testing in a production environment, you may not have even numbers of visitors seeing each design (though they should be close).如果在生产环境中测试,你可能甚至缺乏每个设计的浏览数(虽然他们应该关闭)。

8.Avoid grouping animals and people in even numbers . In case you wish to depict a pair , change their size and position .避免将人群分成偶数。万一要描绘两个人,也应从体形大小及位置上作精心按排。

9.Two properties are defined , one returning the odd numbers , the other returning the even numbers .迭代。定义了两个属性,一个返回奇数,另一个返回偶数。

10.In daily pfe, as I will take a bus journey, this way, avoid the trouble of odd and even numbers of private cars, and can be energy saving.像我在日常生活中,会坐公交出远门,这样,既可以避免私家车单双号的麻烦,又可以做到节能减排。