




1.打招呼 5. say good bye( 说再见)。 1. say hello( 打招呼): 2. warm up( 热身运动)…

2.问好 say grace 做祷告 say hello 问好 say one's lesson 背课文 ...

3.说哈罗 14. 飞翔( Flying) 1. 说哈罗( Say Hello) 2. 小乖乖( Little Kwai-Kwai) ...

4.你好 say morning to my friends 清晨向朋友们问好 say hello 你好 say goodbye 再 …

5.说你好 heeey ya ya 嘿 呀 呀 Say hello,goodbye 说你好,再见 Say hello,hello 问候 ...

6.迎面碰见打个招呼 [show one's face] 露一下脸 [say hello] 迎面碰见打个招呼 dǎ zhào miàn 打照面 ...

7.问候 sad news 令人悲伤的消息 say hello 问候 service station 加油站 ...

8.打召唤 ... )who is she? 她是谁呢?(幼儿说说) 1. say hello( 打召唤): 2. warm up( 热身活动): ...


1.Looting food, not to be distracted, do not say hello to acquaintances to see.抢菜时,千万不要分散注意力,不要看见熟人就打招呼。

2.and I met on the playground at the door of the teacher, I would take the initiative to go say hello to the teachers, teachers are ignored.和我遇到的操场在门口的老师,我想主动去打招呼的教师,教师会被忽略。

3.You know, he didn "t even bother to say hello to me when I saw him on the street yesterday. "你可知道,昨天我在马路上见到他,他连招呼都不跟我打。

4.We didn't have this planned. But we decided to stop by just to say hello, when I heard my boys were going to be here. I couldn't resist.我们并没有这个计划。但是我听说我的支持者们会聚集在这里,于是我们决定停下,来跟大家问好。我当然很乐意这么做。

5.I walked up to that girl to say hello, but she blew me off.我走到那个女孩的面前跟她打招呼,但是她没有理我。

6.You can't walk anywhere in Java without an entourage of the most gorgeous children, who rush up to say hello with the warmest smiles.在爪哇,到哪里都可以看见可爱的孩子,他们总是带着温暖的微笑奔过来和我们说哈罗。

7.At work, I always used to say hello to the founder of the company and ask him how our business was doing.工作时,我经常与公司老总打招呼,询问他我们的生意情况。

8.I'm dreaming of one day when he would jump out of my drawer, and say "Hello" to me with a smile.我梦想着有一天他会从我的抽屉里蹦出来,笑着说:“你好。”

9.I had been out of office only a couple of months, and Bill was surprised that so few people came up to our box to say hello.我当时卸任才两三个月,只有几个人到我们的包厢来打招呼,比尔觉得有些吃惊。

10.Sometimes you stop and talk for a minute as you say hello. This type of greeting is followed by a conversation.有些时候你在说过“你好”后还会停下来再和对方交谈一两分钟,这种类型的问候将会引出一段谈话。