




1.电话 ... 来自 : Johor 电话 : 012-xxxxxxx 姓名 : ching_sen4ever ...

2.忘记了 ... Vancouver s rain( 温哥华的雨) XXXXXXX忘记了) ...

3.传真 ... 真实姓名: jameslai 传真: xxxxxxx 雪兰莪 Selangor ...

4.同上 ... XXXXXXX 公司名,地址,电话 XXXXXXX 公司名,地址,电话,同上 ...

5.确认号 ... password:xxxxxxx( 密码) confirmation code:xxxxxxx( 确认号) 复制这个确认号 &n bsp;Your fax number( 传真) ...

6.资金帐户 xxxxxx( 订房人名字) xxxxxxx( 连络电话) Guest Name:xxxxx( 订房人名字) ...


1.XXXXXXX of business card printing and membership card factory all over the world, primarily in Europe and the United States market.XXXXXXX的制卡和会员卡制作厂遍布全世界,主要服务于欧洲和美国市场。

2.Now I, In xxxxx company xxx department of an international project manager - xxxxx city xxx xxxx landmarks.现在我在xxxxx公司的xxx部门做一个国际项目的副经理——xxxxx城市的xxxxxxx标志性建筑。

3.Because installations vary, you might need to exchange xxxxxxx for the deployment ID of your Lotus Quickr server.由于安装程序之间的差异,您可能需要将xxxxxxx更改为您的LotusQuickr服务器的部署ID。

4.Shall I make the phone call to you or you phone over to me? My telephone number is XXXXXXX.我给你打过去还是你给我打过来?,我的电话号码是:

5.Your employment shall commence on xxxxxxx (date) and shall continue unless and until this agreement is terminated.对雇员的雇佣将开始于(日期)至,直至持续到本协议中止。

6.My condition now is very good, job being always acting as a teacher since graduating, my job place is in XXXXXXX.我现在的情况很好,毕业以来一直做着老师的工作,我的工作地点在XXXXXXX。

7.XXXXXXX. We are sorry. We are not famipar with the situation. Would you mind consulting a relevant branch? The phone number is XXXXXXX.对不起,很报歉,我们不了解情况,请您向相关部门去咨询一下。他们的电话是

8.Is xxx xxxx the first university to give you an offer?XXXXXXX的第一所大学,给你一个报价?

9.Sea lord he own sea the whole wealth, reputation and power, he is a pirate king lord-XXXXXXX.海洋统治者他自己的海洋那全部财富、名誉和力量,他是一海盗国王统治者-XXXXXXX。

10.My telephone number is xxxxxxx, you are welcome any time.欢迎随时联系,我的电话是