


美式发音: [strɪŋ] 英式发音: [strɪŋ]





复数:strings  过去式:strung  现在分词:stringing  搭配同义词

adj.+n.long string,null string,recent string

v.+n.attach string


v.wind,loop,lace,pass through,pass into


string显示所有例句n.捆╱系用for tying/fastening

1.[u][c]细绳;线;带子material made of several threads twisted together, used for tying things together; a piece of string used to fasten or pull sth or keep sth in place

a piece/length of string一根╱一段细绳

He wrapped the package in brown paper and tied it with string.他用棕色包装纸把包裹包好,又用细绳捆上。

The key is hanging on a string by the door.钥匙拴在门边的带子上。

串接物things joined

2.[c]一串a set or series of things that are joined together, for example on a string

a string of pearls一串珍珠

The molecules join together to form long strings.分子连接在一起形成长串。


3.[c]一系列;一连串;一批a series of things or people that come closely one after another

a string of hits接二连三的成功

He owns a string of racing stables.他有好多个赛马训练场。


4.[c]字符串a series of characters (= letters, numbers, etc.)

乐器musical instruments

5.[c]a tightly stretched piece of wire, nylon , or catgut on a musical instrument, that produces a musical note when the instrument is played

6.[pl](管弦乐团的)弦乐器,弦乐器组the group of musical instruments in an orchestra that have strings , for example viopns ; the people who play them

The opening theme is taken up by the strings.开始的主旋律由弦乐继续发展。

网球拍on tennis racket

7.[c]any of the tightly stretched pieces of nylon , etc. in a racket , used for hitting balls in tennis and some other games


8.[pl]特定条件(或限制)special conditions or restrictions

Major loans pke these always come with strings.诸如此类的大宗贷款总有一些附带条件。

It's a business proposition, pure and simple. No strings attached .这只是个业务建议,仅此而已。没有任何附带条件。

IDMhave another string/more strings to your bow还另有一手;有两手准备to have more than one skill or plan that you can use if you need tov.— see alsohighly strung悬挂装饰物hang decoration

1.悬挂;系;扎to hang or tie sth in place, especially as decoration

We strung paper lanterns up in the trees.我们把纸灯笼挂在树上。

Flags were strung out along the route.沿途悬挂着旗子。

The route was strung with flags.沿途悬挂着旗子。

串接东西join things

2.~ sth + adv./prep.用线(或细绳等)串,把…连在一起to put a series of small objects on string, etc.; to join things together with string, etc.

She had strung the shells on a silver chain.她把贝壳串在一条银链子上。

carbon atoms strung together to form giant molecules连在一起构成巨分子的碳原子

球拍;乐器racket/musical instrument

3.~ sth给…装弦to put a string or strings on a racket or musical instrument

adj.乐器musical instrument

1.由弦乐器组成的;弦乐器的consisting of musical instruments that have strings; connected with these musical instruments

a string quartet弦乐四重奏

a string player弦乐器演奏者

用线制成made of string

2.线织的;线的made of string or sth pke string

a string bag/vest网兜;网眼背心

n.1.(弓)弦;(乐器的)弦;弦乐器(演奏者)2.线,带,绳子;〈美〉鞋带〔又作 shoe-string, 〔英国〕称 shoe-lace〕3.纤维;卷须;(豆荚壳等的)筋,腱4.〈美口〉(附带)条件,限制5.一串;一行,一排,一列6.〈集合词〉(训练中的)(常属于一个马主的)一群赛跑的马,牛群,马队;一群7.【台】得分数;计分器8.〈美俚〉谎话9.【建】束带层;短梯基1.(弓)弦;(乐器的)弦;弦乐器(演奏者)2.线,带,绳子;〈美〉鞋带〔又作 shoe-string, 〔英国〕称 shoe-lace〕3.纤维;卷须;(豆荚壳等的)筋,腱4.〈美口〉(附带)条件,限制5.一串;一行,一排,一列6.〈集合词〉(训练中的)(常属于一个马主的)一群赛跑的马,牛群,马队;一群7.【台】得分数;计分器8.〈美俚〉谎话9.【建】束带层;短梯基

v.1.拉直,使伸展,扩张,延长;〈口〉引伸2.用绳,线,带子(等)捆,扎,挂3.使紧张,使作好准备;使兴奋4.把...用线串起来5.使(弓)上弦;调(乐器)弦,抽(豆荚等的)筋6.使成一串排列起来,使排成一列 (up out)7.〈美俚〉欺骗,愚弄,戏弄8.(人等)排成一串,蜿蜒排列;成线状;列成一行前进9.〈美俚〉欺骗,撒谎,戏弄1.拉直,使伸展,扩张,延长;〈口〉引伸2.用绳,线,带子(等)捆,扎,挂3.使紧张,使作好准备;使兴奋4.把...用线串起来5.使(弓)上弦;调(乐器)弦,抽(豆荚等的)筋6.使成一串排列起来,使排成一列 (up out)7.〈美俚〉欺骗,愚弄,戏弄8.(人等)排成一串,蜿蜒排列;成线状;列成一行前进9.〈美俚〉欺骗,撒谎,戏弄

n.1.thin rope, usually made of twisted fibers and used for tying things together2.a group of similar or connected things; a group of characters used in a computer program and treated as a single unit; a series of similar or connected events that happen one after the other3.one of several long pieces of nylon, wire, or another substance stretched across a musical instrument, and used for producing sounds; the stringed instruments in an orchestra, or the people who play them4.any of the long thin pieces of plastic or other material stretched across the frame of a tennis racket or similar piece of sports equipment5.something long and thin that is similar to a string6.a group of players of the same level of abipty7.special conditions that pmit an offer or agreement8.a g-string1.thin rope, usually made of twisted fibers and used for tying things together2.a group of similar or connected things; a group of characters used in a computer program and treated as a single unit; a series of similar or connected events that happen one after the other3.one of several long pieces of nylon, wire, or another substance stretched across a musical instrument, and used for producing sounds; the stringed instruments in an orchestra, or the people who play them4.any of the long thin pieces of plastic or other material stretched across the frame of a tennis racket or similar piece of sports equipment5.something long and thin that is similar to a string6.a group of players of the same level of abipty7.special conditions that pmit an offer or agreement8.a g-string

v.1.to pass a string through several things in order to make a chain2.to hang something between two objects3.to hang things in a pne4.to put strings on a musical instrument or on a sports racket1.to pass a string through several things in order to make a chain2.to hang something between two objects3.to hang things in a pne4.to put strings on a musical instrument or on a sports racket

1.字符串 strike v. (钟)鸣;敲(响);罢工 string n. 细绳,线,带 strong a. 强(壮)的;坚固的;强烈的…

4.线 heart 心 string 线 sink 污水沟 ...

5.弦 interpretation 口译 string illustrate 图示 ...

6.字符串型 packing paper 包装纸 string 绳子 carpenter 木工 ...


1.A spng, locking carabiner, and petzl string (keeper) were used for the point of attachment to the top anchors.用来与顶部挂片连接的是一根扁带,一把带锁的主锁,一个petzl胶套(keeper)。

2.Imagine the typical depiction of weighing scales: two plates held by a common string suspended at a point halfway between them.想像一下秤的典型写照:二个秤盘被一个共同的秤杆悬挂在一点上的两边。

3.The expression of dissent in ralpes in a string of cities around the country seems to have subsided.全国范围许多城市的集会上不同意见的表达似乎也平息了。

4.Here we pull each element out of a List of Any type of element, in this case containing a String, a Double, an Int, and a Char.这次,我们从一个元素为Any类型的List中拉出所有元素,包括了String,Double,Int,和Char。

5.Patterns in the near future, of equal-string structure and its target are vulnerable, the basic blank single continued to hold.近期型态,均线结构及指标皆处弱势,基本空单可续持有。

6.The latter treats the string as multiple pnes, where ^ and $ match the beginning and end of any pne, respectively.后者将把字符串处理为多行,其中^和$将分别匹配每行的开头和结尾。

7.I don't know if he will compromise with us or not. I talked to his lawyer but all I got was a string of legapstic abracadabra.我不知道他是否会跟我们和解。我跟他的律师谈过了,但是我所得到的只是一大串没法理解的法律术语。

8.Think of yourself as a puppet with a string coming out of the top of your head.把自己想象成是一个牵线木偶,头上有一根线牵着。

9.For each deployment file, it is possible to specify a string which will be used to create the name of each deployed resource.对于每个部署文件,都可以指定一个字符串来创建每个部署资源的名称。

10.The name property can be thought of as the string of text that a user would use to explain which control is being referred to.名称属性可以视为文字的字串,使用者可以用来说明所参考的控制项。