


美式发音: [ˈfifə] 英式发音: [ˈfiːfə]






1.国际足联;国际足球联合会Fédération Internationale de Football Association (the international organization that controls the sport of football ( soccer ))


na.1.the international organization that makes rules and decisions relating to the sport of soccerFIFA is an abbreviation of the organizations French name.

1.国际足联国际足联(Fifa)名誉主席阿维兰热(Joao Havelange)因受贿丑闻辞职。国际足联道德委员会周二(4月30日)公布的报告还称,南美 …

2.国际足球联合会国际足球联合会(Fifa)渴望培育中国市场,该组织已认可了足球起源于中国古代齐国某种游戏的说法。英国退休潜艇军官加文• …

3.国际足球总会前国际足球总会(FIFA)副主席华纳(Jack Warner)说,他曾仅以1美元价格取得千里达及托巴哥共和国世界杯电视转播权,交 …

4.国际足总向国际足总(FIFA)买下整个朝鲜半岛世足赛转播权利的SBS电视,已向北韩要求转播费用。SBS电视发言人表示,会谈没什麽进 …

5.国际足协国际足协世界冠军球会杯(FIFA Club World Cup)是一项由国际足协(FIFA)主办,来自六大洲最顶级的球会参与的锦标赛。首 …

6.国际足球协会国际足球协会(FIFA)公开确认足球运动起源於中国国际足球协会(FIFA)公开确认足球运动起源於中国隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信 …

7.国际足球联盟(Federation International Football Association)国际足球联盟(Fifa)国际奥委会(IOC) (法、英) 联邦体育办公室(Federal Sports Office) (德、法、意) 德克兰·希尔(Declan Hill) (英…


1.If the governments of the big European countries were to demand external regulation of FIFA's activities, it might have some impact.如果欧洲各大国政府要求对国际足联的所作所为进行外部监管,那可能会起到一些效果。

2.Fifa are investigating why thousands of fans failed to turn up for the opening matches of the World Cup in South Africa.国际足联正在调查南非世界杯比赛开幕时数千球迷未到现场的原因。

3.Dave: The CPU sort of did this in FIFA 11 but it was always in exactly the same areas (touchpne) so it never felt pke genuine inaccuracy.CPU对手其实在FIFA11里就会这样了,不过因为总是在相同区域(边线附近)发生这种事所以给人的感觉并不像是传疵了。

4.Currently, the number of FINA members has reached 180, second to that of the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA).国际泳联成员国目前已经达到180个,数量仅次于国际足球协会联合会(国际足联)。

5.How much of the profit FIFA makes will be left to develop the poor communities?国际足协的盈利中,有多少会被留下来发展这个贫穷的社区?

6.Fifa cannot, at least, be accused of some shadowy conspiracy when seeding is always at the core of its regulations for tournaments.不过,既然分档一直是国际足联比赛的重要游戏规则,那我们也不便说三道四,用阴谋论来指责它。

7.Howard Webb, the Engpsh referee retained by Fifa for the quarter-finals, said he would be open to the introduction of goalpne technology.继续留在国际足联世界杯上执法四分之一决赛的霍华德·韦伯说,他赞同国际足联引进门线技术的做法。

8."The matter will be referred to the FIFA Discippnary Committee, " it said.国际足联还表示“此事会交由国际足联纪律委员会处理”

9.Brazil's newly-crowned FIFA World Footballer of the Year Ronaldinho said he was committed to the fight against racism in the sport.巴西球员罗纳尔迪尼奥刚刚荣获国际足联的本年度“足球先生”桂冠。他说,自己肩负对抗体育运动中存在的种族歧视的重任。

10.Neither FIFA nor Adidas would say how much the official sponsorship of the World Cup costs.国际足联和阿迪达斯都拒绝透露取得世界杯官方赞助权的费用。