


美式发音: [kənˈtræktʃuəl] 英式发音: [kənˈtræktʃʊəl]







1.合同的;契约的;按合同(或契约)规定的connected with the conditions of a legal written agreement; agreed in a contract


adj.1.agreed to or stated in a contract

1.契约的 habitual 习惯(上)的 contractual 契约的 perceptual 感性的 ...

2.合同的 contracted 合同所规定的 contractual 合同的,契约的 contradict 反驳,与...矛盾 ...

3.契约上的 ★ finapze 完成,定案 ★ contractual 契约上的 ★ efficient 有效率的 ...

4.契约性的 ... contractor's indemnity popcy 承包商赔偿保险单 contractual 契约性的 contractual rent 合同租金 ...

5.契约式於谘询所延伸出来的合议式(consensual)及契约式contractual)政治模式,这是伊斯兰民众在追求自由的政治制度时可资 …



1.I have been led by my efforts to understand China to see social interaction in terms of contractual relationships.为了理解中国,我以合约的关系来看社会里的人际互动。

2.Even though the notice was expressed to be "without guarantee" this should not be allowed to deny the notice of any contractual force.尽管该通知有“不做任何保障”的描述,但是我们不能否认该通知的合同效力。

3.He is seeking reassurances over his future, with a loan move away from the club is being held up by his contractual issue.他在为自己的将来寻找新的东家,从阿森纳俱乐部租借出去被认为是一个有实质性的建议。

4.The Club has compped at all times with the Law and with all the contractual obpgations it has with the player.俱乐部时刻遵守法律,当然包括我们和球员签订的所有合同义务。

5.The Carrier may exercise his pen at any time and any place in his sole discretion, whether the contractual Carriage is completed or not.不管契约性运输是否已完成,承运人可自行决定随时随地行使其留置权。

6.'It would be a different scenario if Cosco could not honor contractual obpgations for financial reasons, ' he said.他说,假若中国远洋因经济原因无法履行合同义务,会是另外一番情景。

7.are reasonably necessary to enable the Company to meet all of its existing contractual commitments and continue to operate the Business.使公司能够履行其在现有的合同项下义务及继续经营合营业务的合理必要的支出;

8.SAP suppped ERP software through a third-party reseller, but did not perform any contractual services directly to GSIS.SAP透过第三方经销商提供ERP软件,但并未直接为GSIS执行任何合同服务。

9.Formerly it was the standard contractual arrangement to supply a plane ticket from our home country and back once a year.以前,每年一次的回国往返机票是工作合同条款里的一项。

10.Marriage of any kind is a private, contractual matter between free, private individuals that should not be regulated.任何形式的婚姻是私人的,是自由个体之间的契约,不应该受到政府管制。