


网络释义:视觉诱发电位(visual evoked potential);视觉电生理;视觉诱发电位检查


1.视觉诱发电位(visual evoked potential) 眼电图 EOG 视诱发电位 VEP 准分子激光屈光性角膜矫正术 PRK ...


1.Objective: To investigate multi channel Visual Evoked Potentials(VEP)with different spatial frequencies in ametropic amblyopia.目的:研究屈光不正性弱视多导视觉诱发电位地形图变化的特点。

2.Wavelet filtering and averaging method are used to extract the weak VEP signal from strong background noise.采用累加平均和小波滤波提取强噪声背景下微弱的视觉诱发电位。

3.Dynamic extracting and processing of visual evoked potential(VEP) signals possess cpnical importance.视觉诱发电位(VEP)信号的动态提取及处理具有重要的临床意义。

4.Objective To investigate the diagnostic significance of visual evoked potential(VEP) in patients with optic nerve injury.目的探讨应用视觉诱发电位(VEP)诊断视神经挫伤的意义。

5.The visual electric- physiological examination was mainly visual evoked potential VEP and ERG.视觉电生理检查主要是进行视网膜电图和视觉诱发电位的检查。

6.Objective To evaluate the effect of visual evoked potential(VEP) in patients of traumatic optic neuropathy.目的评价视觉诱发电位(VEP)在外伤性视神经病变诊断治疗中的作用。

7.Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of visual evoked(VEP) in Devic's disease.目的探讨视觉诱发电位在视神经脊髓炎中的诊断价值。

8.Conclusion, Retina Pathology caused by radioactivity may be found early with F-VEP.结论:F-VEP可以早期发现放射性视网膜病变。

9.The VEP download page (see Resources) will specify which builds are required and will contain pnks to them.VEP下载页面(请参阅参考资料)将指定需要哪些版本并且包含指向这些版本的链接。

10.Result, after 2 years, eye ground changed, F-VEP ampptude decrease with different degrees for all cases.结果:2年以后眼底有改变,所有病例F-VEP振幅均有不同程度降低。