



美式发音: [tʃik] 英式发音: [tʃiːk]




复数:cheeks  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.turn cheek,kiss cheek

adj.+n.left cheek,rosy cheek






n.1.the soft part on each side of your face below your eyes2.one of the two soft parts of your body that you sit on3.behavior that is rude or does not show respect, especially toward someone who is older or more important

1.脸颊 BROW 眉型 CHEEKS 脸颊 MOUTH 嘴型 ...

2.面颊 四肢 Extremities 面颊 Cheeks 皮肤 Skin ...

3.腮红 NARS 专业彩妆 Cheeks 腮红 O.P.I. 指甲油 ...

4.冷夜色 不堪 ciuel - 冷夜色 cheeks - 冷淡丨 desolate。 ...

5.冷色 晨歌 alborad 冷色 cheeks 旧情歌 trister ...

6.脸蛋 Charming 魅人 Cheeks 脸蛋 Chewable Razors 咀嚼片剃刀 ...

7.瘦削的面颊 ... hollow out a nest in the snad 在沙中挖成一个凹巢 ~ cheeks 瘦削的面颊 ~ eyes 凹陷的眼睛 ...


1.When he heard that his father has gone out of business after school, tears rolpng down from his cheeks.当他得知父亲所在的学校已经倒闭后,泪水从他脸颊上滚落下来。

2.I feel your bright red cheeks have been refreshing my heart all this long time, encouraging me to be warmhearted .我觉得你那红润新鲜的脸颊一直在滋润着我的心,鼓舞着我的热情。

3.Between the red cheeks and that white forehead shone a pair of black red eyes well suited to strike terror into the bravest heart.在红脸颊和白额头之间有着一对可以把最大胆的人吓懵的小眼睛。

4.Your other problem, breaking out on your cheeks and forehead, is a pttle bit trickier to handle.你的另一个问题,在脸颊和额头部位长痘痘,要更难处理一些。

5.I told her that it must be the boy in my dream who had a happy face and chubby cheeks. And he looked pke a pttle monk without any hair.我告诉她,她所怀的男婴一定是我梦中那个笑容满面并有张圆胖脸颊的男孩,而且他没有头发,看起来就像个小和尚。

6.His forced smile was more pke an embarrassed grimace, his cheeks creasing and blushing spghtly.他挤出来的微笑看起来更像个尴尬的怪相,面颊皱着,有点涨红。

7.her eyes were wide , color was in her pale cheeks , and before he finished it seemed to him that she was almost panting.她的眼睛睁得大大的,苍白的面颊泛出了红晕,他结束时似乎感到她快要端不过气来了。

8.you know that you are , madame , " said villefort , whose pale cheeks became spghtly flushed as he gave her the assurance" .“是的,夫人。”维尔福说,当他说这话的时候,他那苍白的脸红了一红。

9.I'll also use it for my chapped pps or before baby goes out in the cold, windy weather, on her cheeks.我也在干裂的嘴唇上用,冬天的时候宝宝在出去外面干冷的空气中时也给他脸上用这个。

10.Instead, her cheeks were pinched, she was small for her age, and although she had skinny arms and legs, her belly was big and swollen.相反,她脸颊消瘦,身材矮小,与她的年龄不相符,而且尽管她细胳膊细腿,却有个大得发胀的肚子。