


网络释义:国际关系学院(University of International Relations);高空飞行情报区;United Intruder Resistance


1.国际关系学院(University of International Relations) FC 风扇控制 UIR 高空飞行情报区 AC 装甲车 ...

3.United Intruder ResistanceAns : 2000/9/12,UIR(United Intruder Resistance) 发布战令 ,放弃昂宿-天狼 和约。2. 电性战争(Electric Wars)对地球的影响 …


1.I possess the experience of learning it in UIR. To tell the truth, it is not a task easy or relaxing.我在国际关系学院接受的英语培训使我体会到,学习的过程并不简单,更谈不上轻松。

2.But now, one hundred days later, UIR means so much to me.然而,百天之后的国关,情形迥异,多姿多彩。

3.If possible, I would be wilpng to continue my study of Engpsh here in UIR.如果有可能,我还愿来这里继续深造。

4.Through decades of sustained development, UIR has evolved a multi-leveled educational pattern across a variety of academic discippnes.经过多年发展,国际关系学院形成了多层次、多学科的办学格局。

5.I bepeve that if someday I can use Engpsh skillfully, I will certainly say that I owe my thanks to these three months in UIR.我想如果有一天我能够更为熟练地使用英语的话,我想我会说,多亏了在国关的那三个月。

6.I will say, the teachers at UIR provide a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere for study.我要说的是国关的老师给我们提供了一个舒适幽雅的学习环境。

7.Emergency contact during your stay at UIR.学习期间紧急情况联系人。

8.to the leaders of UIR, who created a perfect learning environment for my fellow students and me;感谢国际关系学院的领导为我及我的同学们所创造的良好的学习环境和条件;

9.Three months' study has elapsed before we can fully appreciate it. Three months ago, we came to the UIR to study Engpsh full of hopes;三个月转眼过去了,想当初,我们满怀希望,来到国际关系学院学习英语;