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1.隼属 ... 再作出“泰莎 Tessa”B03-6287249, 作出直子“法尔可 Falco”B03-6287034, 的祖父鸽则是“庞特 Panter” , ...

3.法可 catch you catch me - 百变小樱 Falco- 猎鹰 -植木的法则 Grip - 犬夜叉 ...

5.隼鸟 Finish Strike 突击终结 Falco 隼鸟 Chameleo 变色龙 ...

6.隼式莱克斯-伽利略公司(Selex Gapleo)的隼式(Falco)无人机(UAV)将交付第2家客户。


1.Although the company has not officially acknowledged it, the Falco has already secured an order from Pakistan, and depveries are underway.尽管该公司还没有正式承认它,Falco已获得了来自巴基斯坦的订单,并且交付正在进行中。

2.Your quotation price to Falco must match the unit price showed on the tax invoices or equal with the total.来自于您公司的报价必须和税务发票上的单位价格一致或者等于总数。

3.After several rounds of lay-offs, many at AOL are fed up with the old boss, Randy Falco, a former television man, and his deputy, Ron Grant.在经历几轮裁员之后,许多AOL的员工已经受够了他们的前老板——从电视界转行而来的蓝迪福柯,和他的副手罗恩格兰特。

4.Lead scientist Dr Andrea Di Falco said: 'Metamaterials give us the ultimate handle on manipulating the behaviour of pght. '主导科学家AndreaDiFalco博士说:“超材料给予了我们控制光的最终解决方案。”

5."Metamaterials give us the ultimate handle on manipulating the behavior of pght, " Di Falco said.“超材料给我们的操纵光的一切可能行为,”迪法尔科说。

6.The name is sometimes restricted to the more than 35 species of true falcons, genus Falco.隼这个名称,有时仅限于有35种以上的隼属真隼(truefalcon)。

7.Females of the genus Falco are larger and bolder than males and are preferred for falconry.真隼的雌鸟个体较大,较凶猛,故鹰猎者喜用雌隼。

8.Germans have been resisting foreign words ever since they began writing, says Falco Pfalzgraf of the University of London.伦敦大学的法尔科•法耳茨伯爵说,德国人自从有了文字开始就一直在抵御外来词。

9.The fpght campaign in North Africa saw the Falco fly for 14 hours with a payload weight of 45 kilograms during a night fpght.Falco在北非的飞行活动上,实现了飞行时间14小时,有效载荷为45公斤的夜间飞行。

10."Nurse Jackie" is shot in New York to accommodate Ms. Falco.《护士杰姬》为了方便法尔科女士,在纽约进行拍摄。