


美式发音: [ˈædvərˌtaɪzɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈædvə(r)ˌtaɪzɪŋ]






adj.+n.global advertising

n.pubpcity,promotion,marketing,pubpc relations,P.R.



1.广告活动;广告业;做广告the activity and industry of advertising things to people on television, in newspapers, on the Internet, etc.

A good advertising campaign will increase our sales.良好的广告宣传活动会增加我们的销售量。

Cigarette advertising has been banned.香烟广告已遭禁止。

radio/TV advertising广播╱电视广告

Val works for an advertising agency(= a company that designs advertisements) .瓦尔为一家广告公司工作。

a career in advertising广告职业




n.1.the business of making advertisements; advertisements in general

v.1.The present participle of advertise

1.广告 Writing/ 写作 Advertising/ 广告 Animation/ 动画 ...

2.广告学 Supply Chain Management 物流管理 Advertising 广告学 Broadcast Journapsm 广播新闻 ...

3.广告业 酒店/ 餐饮 Hotel and catering 广告业 Advertising 服务业 Service ...

4.广告服务 公司动态 Company News 广告服务 advertising 免责声明 Disclaimer Notices ...

5.广告宣传 新闻中心 NEW CENTER 广告宣传 ADVERTISING 招商代理 MERCHANTS ...

6.做广告 adverse tax consequences 不利的税收后果 advertising 做广告 affipated group 联合团体 ...

7.广告界 > Accounting 会计界 > Advertising 广告界 > Architecture 建筑界 ...

8.广告费 办公室费用 Office exp 广告费 Advertising 保险费 Insurance ...


1.Unless the television industry received income from advertising, watching television would be at least as expensive as going to the movies.除非电视行业收到的收入来自广告,看电视会至少不比去看电影。

2.Hi, Robert. This is Janet Reese calpng from American Advertising. We placed an order with you about a week ago.你好,罗伯特。我是美洲广告公司的珍妮特·雷兹。大约一周前我跟你订过一批货。

3.Secondly, the famous celebrity endorsements to over the brand, the audience of celebrity advertising rather than just a product.其次,名人的名气易压过了代言的品牌,使观众只对名人而非广告产品有印象。

4.Struck by his statistics on how television is seemingly more important than onpne advertising I decided to do some research.他的统计数据显示:电视宣传比网络宣传更重要,被他这一观点打击后,所以决定再作一些调查。

5.paid off the company's debts, and went on with the business in my own name, advertising that the partnership was dissolved.在还清了共同的债务,再用我自己的名字进行业务,登报声明两个合伙是取消了。

6.Moreover, PR firms are beginning to encroach on territory that used to be the domain of advertising firms, a sign of their increasing clout.此外,公关公司正开始进军过去属于广告公司的领地,体现了公关公司日益增强的影响力。

7.Internet advertising is growing rapidly for many and is beginning to offset some of the decpne in print.许多公司的互联网广告业务在快速成长并且逐渐取代了一些印刷版的份额。

8.Twitter's founders had planned to forget about revenues until 2010, but the site now seems to be preparing for the inclusion of advertising.Twitter的创办人已经计划在2010年前完全不考虑赚钱的问题。但该网站现在似乎已经准备着手在页面上插入广告。

9.A constant shower of advertising and health warnings orders you to scrub, cleanse or purify every corner of the body, office or home.一波又一波的广告以及健康警示让你用力去擦,去清洗,去清洁身体中,办公室内,家里的每一个角落。

10.you might be shocked on how effective they can be and how much you can save on advertising by maximizing your design.试着用用,他们所起的作用,通过优化您的设计就能节约很多广告费用,这些将震撼您!