




1.冲马桶 吃饭时间 meal time 冲马桶 flush the toilet 重复 repeat ...

2.冲厕所 两倍 twice 冲厕所 flush the toilet 用过的水 used water ...

3.放冲马桶 515. pay a visite. 造访。 516. flush the toilet. 放冲马桶。 517. buy some time. 拖延。 ...

4.冲马桶的标语 ... Don’t be picky. 不要挑食。 Flush the toilet. 请冲马桶。 Bring your hankie. 请带手帕。 ...

6.冲洗马桶 ... (flush the toilet 冲洗马桶)/ (reentering 再次进入) ...

7.冲水比如:他说,人体就是一个马桶(TOILET),要常常冲水(FLUSH THE TOILET)。 做瑜伽当然就是马桶冲水了。


1.Most people wouldn't reapze, would they? How much they're actually using every time they flush the toilet.大多数人都不会意识到每次自己冲洗厕所会用多少水,对吧?人们就是那样自然而然地做了。

2.Many Britons now phone, bank, travel by Tube, fly out of an airport, run a tap or flush the toilet courtesy of Spanish enterprise.如今,不少英国人日常生活中的通讯、银行、地铁、机场、水利、卫洁均由西班牙企业运作。

3.Today, I learned that when the power goes out at my house, my family thinks you can no longer flush the toilet.今天我才知道,我的家人认为,停电的时候冲不了马桶。

4.face keep out of the water used to flush the toilet.洗脸用的水保留着,用来冲洗抽水马桶。

5.You're not allowed to flush the toilet because there's problems with the sewers.你不允许冲马桶,因为下水道有问题。

6.The bucket of water we to flush the toilet, take a shower of water we home general is also used to flush the toilet.水桶的水我们来冲马桶,洗澡的水我们家一般也是用来冲马桶的。

7.Has been used up, please use water to flush the toilet.已经用了,请用积水来冲洗马桶;

8.I tried hard not to flush the toilet while using as a habit of avoiding embarrassment.我也很努力的制止自己不要在如厕中一直猛冲水来避免尴尬。

9.50 don't do something wrong is what water to his own body splash, sister need to flush the toilet.别做点错事就把什么脏水都往自己身上泼,姐还要留着冲厕所呢。

10.When someone neglects to brush their teeth, flush the toilet or wash their hands, a speaker can prompt them to do so.如果有人忘了刷牙,忘了冲马桶或是忘了洗手,扬声器就会发出提示声音提醒他们去做这些事。