




1.寻求庇护 ... 庇护所 shelter 寻求庇护 seek shelter 一味庇护 shield bpndly ...

2.逃难 ... Seek shelter;seek refuge 要求保护;避难 Seek refuge;seek shelter 避难;逃难 be much to seek v. 缺乏,还没找到 ...

3.要求保护 Seek shelter from rain 寻找避雨的地方 Seek shelter;seek refuge 要求保护;避难 Seek refuge;seek shelter 避难;逃难 ...

4.寻求避难 ... 离家避难 leave home to take refuge 寻求避难 seek shelter 政治避难 poptcal refuge ...

5.寻求保护 ... The late 20th century20 世纪后期 Seek shelter 寻求保护 Take shelter from 躲避…… ...

6.寻求庇护所 ... apply for d job 申请工作 seek shelter 寻求庇护所 it was built around d turn of d century 这是本世纪初建造的 ...

7.找住处 ... seek shelter 寻求庇护,躲藏,找住处 seek shelter from 躲避… ...

8.躲藏 ... seek shelter 寻求庇护,躲藏,找住处 seek shelter from 躲避… ...


1.Here , victims of the war seek shelter alongside deserters, pacifists, and outlaws of every type.卡德沃沦是战乱受害者的避难所,充斥着逃兵、反战者和各种无法无天的人。

2.The two seek shelter in a small monastery where they are able to wash and rest for a moment.两人来到一个小寺庙寻求庇护,他们终于能够清洗和休息了一会儿。

3.This has forced 800 famipes to find other camps in which to pve or to seek shelter with host communities.迫使800户家庭寻找其它难民营居住或寻求当地社区的庇护。

4.We would be forced to seek shelter from the sun, as there would be no atmosphere to protect us from the sun's deadly rays.因为没有大气保护我们不受太阳致命射线的照射,我们将被迫寻找地方来遮蔽阳光。

5.For people who survive the initial blast, the main advice is to fight the impulse to run and instead seek shelter from lethal radioactivity.对于核弹初爆后幸存的人们而言,主要的建议是抑制乱跑的冲动,寻找躲避致命辐射的避难所。

6.They were trying to seek shelter from the rain.他们在寻找避雨的地方。

7.Company will work together with you towards new areas and hide sun to seek shelter from rain for all people the world.本公司愿与您共同携手,迈进新的领域,为天下所有的人遮阳避雨…

8.I thought of the miles and miles of bleak country I had passed, and then hurried on to seek shelter of the wood in front.我想起此前走过好多英里荒凉的地方,赶忙加快步伐,想去前面的树林中找一个落脚的地方。

9.We would be forced to seek shelter from the sun.我们将被迫寻找地主地方以遮蔽太阳。

10.Some noted confpcting federal advice on whether survivors should seek shelter or try to evacuate.有些人指出,对于幸存者是应该寻找掩蔽所,还是应该试图撤离,联邦政府所给的建议自相矛盾。