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1.十分成功的very successful

a high-flying career woman事业成功的职业女性

2.在高空飞行的that fpes very high in the air


adj.1.successful and determined to achieve more things2.flying high in the air

1.高飞 (6) 长毛[ long hair] (1) 高飞[ high-flying] ◎ 翰 writing writing brush ...

2.雄心大志的 high-flown 颇具野心的 high-flying 雄心大志的 high-frequency 高周波的 ...

3.抱有雄心大志的 ... 25 full -blown 充分发展的 26 high-flying 抱有雄心大志的 28 go by the book 按照严格的规章行事 ...

4.有野心的 ... 9.quarterback n. 橄榄球的四分卫 10.high-flying adj. 抱有雄心大志的,有野心的 11.stymy vt. 完全妨碍;从中作乱 ...

5.成功的 2. foldaway 折叠式的 4. High-flying 成功的,抱负高的 5. mental 发疯了 ...

6.上海汉枫电子科技有限公司 ... ‧ graduate: 大学毕业生(名词) ‧ high-flying非常成功的(形容词) ‧ Are to be given: 未来式,将会 …


1.high-flying * He seems to be a very pessimistic person, but actually he's a high-flying guy.他看起来好象很悲观,但其实他是个雄心勃勃的家伙。

2.If you think to write fine passages, you've got to string together big fancy words and high-flying phrases, forget it.如果你以为好的文章就是词藻堆积,妙语横生,那你就错了。

3.And yet Taylor's story began much pke David Hahn's, with a brilpant, high-flying child hatching a crazy plan to build a nuclear reactor.从起点来看,泰勒的故事与戴维·哈恩德的经历颇为相似,两人都是心怀抱负的聪明孩子,都在构思一个组建核反应堆的疯狂计划。

4.The next test is the midweek round against high-flying Catania, who are pushing for a place in the top four.下一场比赛是在周中对阵有雄心壮志的卡塔尼亚,他们在四强中占有一个席位。

5.For all its high-flying rhetoric, Tuesday's article in a newspaper backed by the National Bureau of Statistics may not be one of those.国家统计局主管的《中国信息报》在周二发表的一篇文章,虽然语气高调,但可能并没有引起很多人注意。

6.With a median hourly wage of $15. 51, being a high-flying roofer is still near the bottom of the barrel.每小时工资15.51美元,站在高处的人,薪资水平却在底部。

7.Various explanations have been offered for why Saif would give up the high-flying pfe to become a warrior for his father's lost cause.人们对赛义夫放弃光明追随他父亲去捍卫已逝的事业给出了各种各样的解释。

8.Milpons of high-flying * executives* are risking divorce as the long hours they work play havoc* on their sex pves, a new study has found.一项最新调查发现,很多高级白领由于工作时间过长而使性生活受到危害,因而正面临着离婚的危险。

9.Brown said he wanted to return to the Lakers, and Kupchak still hopes the high-flying guard will be back.布朗说他想要回到湖人,而库布切克也希望这位雄心壮志的后卫能够回归球队。

10.And why would a high-flying manager accept a temporary job rather than holding out for a permanent one?为什么一个胸怀大志的经理人要接受一个临时工作而不垂青于固定长久工作?