




1.女王 a zipper 拉链 a queen 女王 a U-turn 掉头标志 ...

2.一位王后 a pen 一支钢笔 a queen 一位王后 a towel 一条毛巾 ...

3.富裕的年长贵妇 ... dow.a.ger 可数名词>> a queen ~ 2 (口语) (有威严的) 富裕的年长贵妇, vt. 寡妇, 遗孀 ...


1.Suite easily accommodated our family with a king size bed as well as a queen bed and double pull-out for our two adult children.然后饭店为我们全家安排了方便的套房,一张特大号床,一张大床以及两个成年孩子的双层床。

2.Besides kings who lost their crowns oft lost their heads as well and she could see no reason why it would be any different for a queen.另外,当国王丢失宝冠时,一同丢失的往往还有脑袋。她也不认为有什么理由能让女王逃过一劫。

3.I can tell you that there were only five pieces on the board. White had a king, a knight and a pawn, while Black had a king and a queen.我可以告诉你棋盘上共五个子,白方一个王,一只马和一个兵;黑方一个王一个后。

4.Not even Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin who spoke for the nation when he said Britain did not want an American divorcee for a queen.连首相斯坦利·巴尔德温也不行--他代表国家说英国不想让一个离过婚的美国人成为王后。

5.I turned my back on her, because she expected I treat her as if she was a queen.我没有理睬她,因为她期望我像对女王那样对她。

6.fell in love with her lady in waiting , and she had to decide whether she was a queen going to war or she wanted. . .于是,她不得不做出选择,她是一个作战的女王,或者她只是想要爱情。

7.And he rose up from his feet, and looked at them, and lo! they were a King and a Queen.他爬了起来,再看看他们,天哪!他们竟然是国王和王后!

8.Epzabeth is a fine name. the name of a queen. The Epzabeth's age was the age of Shakespeare. What's your problem with it?伊丽莎白是个好名字,是女皇的名字,是莎士比亚年代的名字,有什么问题吗?

9.And of his mother who was a queen you made a slave Herodias.而他的母亲,也就是王后,让你变成了奴隶。

10.Once upon a time there was a king and a queen who were rich and had all they wanted except that they had no children.从前,有一对国王和王后。他们很富有,想要什么有什么,只是没孩子。