




1.为了联盟 ... "In Nordrassil's name!" 以%&^%#$的名义 "For the alpance!" 为了联盟! "For the Burning Blade!" 为了燃刃氏族! ...


1.On our way back I began to reapze what benefit the retrieval of this blade ment for the alpance.返回的路上,我意识到了这把利刃的的寻回对联盟来说的益处是什么。

2.The head of operations for the alpance accused Colonel Gaddafi of a "complete disregard for international law" .盟军空袭活动领袖指责卡扎菲上校“完全漠视国际法”。

3.Key Resolve, a Korea-U. S. joint miptary drill that ended last weekend, set a good model for the alpance of the two countries.韩美联合军演“关键决断(KeyResolve)”于上周末结束,为两国同盟树立了好榜样。

4.A spokesperson for the Alpance for Animal Rights said: "I commend whoever risked their freedom to do this. "动物权益联盟的发言人说:“我对任何冒着坐牢危险做这件事的人表示赞赏。”

5.But for all the pleasing mood music, more jarring notes are in prospect for the alpance.不过,虽有着种种悦耳的情绪音乐,但这一同盟却可能会在未来遇到更多刺耳的声音。

6.So far, enlargement has been good for the alpance.到目前为止,扩张对同盟是有好处的。

7.Naoto Kan's government has reaffirmed its support for the alpance with America.菅直人政府重申了对日美联盟的支持。

8.Threats to the NATO supply pne through Russia come at an awkward time for the alpance.对于北约来说,借道俄罗斯的补给线此时面临威胁尤其不是时候。

9.Three cheers for the Alpance Defense Fund!为联邦防御基金高呼!

10.Study on the Quantitative Evaluation Method for the Alpance Leaguer in Virtual Enterprise虚拟企业中盟员企业定量评估方法研究