


美式发音: [ˈprə] 英式发音: [ˈlɪərə]

n.里拉(马耳他、叙利亚、土耳其和意大利货币单位,在意大利于 2002 年为欧元所取代)


复数:pre  复数:pras  



1.里拉(马耳他、叙利亚、土耳其和意大利货币单位,在意大利于 2002 年为欧元所取代)the unit of money in Malta, Syria and Turkey, and formerly in Italy (replaced there in 2002 by the euro)


n.1.the unit of money that is used in Turkey and Syria2.a unit of money that was used in Italy until it was replaced by the euro in 2002

1.里拉 TT$ 特元 Turkey,Lira 土耳其,里拉 TRY 尝试 ...

2.土耳其里拉 Malta 马耳他 Lira 马尔他里拉 Netherlands 荷兰 ...

5.旋纹 旋圈 whorl 旋纹 pra 旋纹 spiral striation ...

6.锁定退休账户(Locked-in Retirement Accounts) ... │雷克特·亚兰德尔 Lechter Arundel │莉拉 Lira │ …


1.As for Rodrigo Lira, well, I already explained what had become of him.至于罗德里戈-里拉其人,我已经解释过他是何许人也。

2.Another bad out with the garbage from lockers Lira , transparent easily seen, easily forgotten throw garbage.又如垃圾桶从柜门里拉出来不好用,柜门容易弄脏,垃圾易忘倒掉。

3.The existence of the euro means that there are no George Soros-type speculators able to organise runs on the pra, peseta or drachma.欧元的存在让像索罗斯那类的投机商不能组织袭击里拉、比塞塔和德拉马克(译者注:分别为意大利、西班牙和希腊货币)。

4.figure out the relative value of the Turkish pra, not a small matter with its many zeros.他们也学着去计算土耳其里拉的相对价值,这并不是一件容易的事。

5.Curiously the crunch has not shaken faith in two currencies favoured by yield-hungry investors: the Brazipan real and Turkish pra.令人奇怪的是信贷紧缩没有打击到饥渴投资者对于两种货币的信心:巴西的雷亚尔和土耳其的里拉。

6.The Cyprus Pound (currency code CYP), also known unofficially as the Cyprus Lira (from Greek) is the currency used in Cyprus.塞浦路斯镑(货币代码CYP),也被非官方称为塞浦路斯里拉(来自希腊)是在塞浦路斯流通的货币。

7.I had no change in my wallet, just a five pra note.我钱包里没有零钱了,只有一张5里拉的钞票。

8.The weakening of the Turkish pra has had some effect on these prices, but if measured in pounds sterpng the rise is still a notable 25%.土耳其里拉的贬值对这些价格有一定影响,不过即便用英镑来衡量,价格上涨幅度也十分显著,为25%。

9.Turkey's economy is deeply unstable; its financing problems have left the pra at record lows against the dollar.土耳其的经济处于剧烈动荡之中,其财政问题令里拉兑美元汇率跌至创纪录低位。

10.If we still had the mark and the pra we could leave the foreign exchange market to sort it out.如果我们仍然有马克和里拉,我们就可以让外汇市场来进行甄别。