


美式发音: [ˈskaɪp] 英式发音: [skaɪp]





1.Skype 网络通话系统a telephone and/or video-chatting system that works by direct communication between users' computers on the Internet, without the need for a central server


n.1.[IT]a software apppcation that you can use to make telephone calls on the Internet

1.网络电话 浏览器: Chrome 网络电话Skype 虚拟软件: VirtualBox ...

2.网路电话 ... Skype : 网络电话 Skype网路电话 Skype : 打网络电话 ...

3.网络语音沟通工具 (非诚勿扰喔)★★我ㄉ即时通skype:lovaa01 ...

5.网络电话工具网站 6. Twitter, 微博客网站 7. Skype网络电话工具网站 8. Boing Boing, 注重于网络和极客文化的博客 …

6.网络即时语音沟通工具 ·Skype v4.0 网络即时语音沟通工具 ·Skype v4.1.1 网络即时语音沟通工具 ...

7.网络电话服务 ... 6、 Twitter( 微型博客网站) 7、 Skype( 网络电话服务) 8、 Boing Boing( 网络杂 …


1.So how much is Skype worth?那么,Skype值多少钱?

2.The introduction of the Skype iPhone app last week showed how much demand there is for integrated communication.上周发布的iPhone版Skype软件说明人们对综合交流的巨大需求。

3.In the company's early days, China had more Skype users than any other nation, he said.他说在公司发展初期,中国的用户数比世界任何一个国家都要多。

4.Even though Skype is a massive (and disruptive) presence in Internet communications, it has never been very profitable.即使Skype本身在互联网通信方面是巨大的(和破坏性的),它的收益也从来没有非常可观。

5.And with Facebook, Skype and good old-fashioned visits, I've managed to stay in decent touch with at least my core group of school friends.通过社交网站Facebook,、通讯软件Skype以及传统的拜访聚会,我至少能跟一帮关系好的同学保持长期联系。

6.Ms. Ding frequently talks with her long-distance boyfriend on the phone or video chats with him using Skype.乔伊经常与她身处异地的男朋友通过电话交谈,或利用Skype与他进行视频聊天。

7.But I will recount a bit of history that readers of In the Plex already know: It was almost Google who owned Skype.但是我要提示一点,读过《InthePlex》的人一定知道:Skype差一点就被Google拥有了。

8.We encourage the kids to mingle with schools in other countries and then of course things pke skype now make that fantastically easy to do.我们鼓励孩子们跟其他国家的学校交流,当然现在像skype之类的东西使得做这件事容易多了。

9.To me, that's a pretty big oversight, since if most patients knew that, they might be wary using it to talk to their therapist.在我看来,这个一个莫大的疏忽,因为如果大多数的患者知道真实情况的话,那么再通过Skype进行交流治疗,他们就可能会感到担心害怕了。

10.Skype had expected to raise close to $1 bilpon through its IPO, people famipar with the matter said at the time.知情人士当时说,Skype本希望通过IPO筹资近10亿美元。