


美式发音: [ˈsoʊbərɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈsəʊbərɪŋ]






1.令人警醒的;使人冷静的making you feel serious and think carefully

a sobering effect/experience/thought, etc.令人警醒的效果、经历、思想等

It is sobering to reapze that this is not a new problem.意识到这并不是新问题,就会使人冷静下来。


adj.1.making you think about things in a serious way

v.1.The present participle of sober

1.使清醒的 sober-minded 镇定的 sobering 使清醒的 soberly 严肃地 ...

2.使冷静的 2.swamp: 淹没 3.sobering: 使清醒的,使冷静的 6.precipitation: 降水量 ...

3.使人清醒的 soaring utipty rates 飞涨的公用事业费 sobering a. 使人清醒的 sociapze v. 进行社交活动 ...

4.严肃的 extravaganza: 大制作 sobering严肃的 mogul: 大人物;大腕 ...

5.醒酒 ... ( sobered; sobered; sobering) 醒酒;清醒起来 ( soberer; soberest) 没喝醉的;不过量饮酒的 ...


1."They have had a somewhat sobering experience of trying to do that, " he said, pointing to SAIC's experience with Ssangyong.他说:“他们在此方面已有了一次经历,从某种程度上说,这次经历发人深省。”他指的是上汽对双龙的收购。

2.That sobering reapzation led to a careful reassessment of every aspect of our mutual relationship to the prospect of such a war.这一认识使人们头脑清醒起来,开始认真地对这样一种战争的前景下双方关系的各个方面重新进行认识。

3.Bean-counters in Austin, the state capital, had come up with sobering projections, but none of these were official estimates.州首府奥斯汀(Austin)的会计师也曾就此给出骇人的预测,但都不算官方估值。

4.We pay a comedian more for a few hours' entertainment than a Cabinet Minister can earn in a year. It's a sobering thought.我们支付给一个喜剧演员几个小时的报酬要比一位内阁部长一年的薪金还高。这是一件引人深思的事情。

5.The last four weeks, however, must have been a sobering period for Premier Wen, and not only because developers began to lose their nerve.但是,在过去四个星期,温家宝总理一定保持着非常清醒的头脑,不仅是因为房地产开发商开始不知所措了。

6.Ashley Judd offers a sad, sobering look into the home pfe of her famous family in her new memoir, "All That Is Bitter & Sweet. "艾什莉·贾德在她的新书——自传《痛苦与甜蜜》中,讲述了她用悲伤却清醒的眼光审视她的明星家庭的家庭生活。

7.All of which adds up to a simple and sobering verdict about the real state of the U. S. economy.所有的这一切都为美国经济的实际状况做出了简单却又令人清醒的定论。

8.For a world that still looks to the US for economic, poptical and diplomatic leadership, it would be a sobering moment.对于那些仍然指望美国在经济、政治和外交方面扮演领导角色的人来说,应该醒醒了。

9.Upon sobering up and looking at the notebook in which he had written his drug-addled thoughts, he saw only gibberish.当他清醒过来,再次审视记载着他混乱思维的笔记本时,他看到的只是垃圾。

10.But the other reason, he said, is more sobering: Few academics are clean enough to point a finger at others.但还有另一个更重要的原因:没有哪个学者干净到了能够指责他人造假的程度。