


美式发音: [ˌdʒi aɪ ˈef] 英式发音: [ˌdʒiː aɪ ˈef]

n.GIF 文件

英文单词:图形交换格式(Graphics Interchange Format);图片;动画



1.GIF 文件,图形交换格式文件(全写为 Graphic Interchange Format)the abbreviation forGraphic Interchange Format (a type of computer file that contains images and is used a lot on the Internet)

Send it as a GIF.把它以 GIF 文件发送。

n.1.Graphic Interchange Format: a type of computer file that contains an image. GIF is also used as part of a file name.

1.图形交换格式(Graphics Interchange Format)为图形交换格式 (GIF) 编码图像定义一个解码器。GifBitmapEncoder 定义用于对 图形交换格式 (GIF) 图像进行编码的编码器。

2.图片如果是图片(gif)的话,就用ps如果是动画就用fl一般来说,就是一帧一张静态图片,然后不停的播放+1 已赞过 怎么制作闪动图 …

3.动画而动画(gif)部分,,,除非有自己的网站(之前雅虎有免费的个人网站,三月一日取消了)而您看到的动画都是别人网站内上传有案的.. …

4.图像文件—打开图像gif),会导入各帧,你就可以单独对每个帧编辑了要将帧全部导出另外编辑mmhh008 |十五级采纳率40% 擅 …

5.动态图片专注于动态图片GIF)的轻博客,搜罗全球经典以及制作一些视频、电影动态图。介货就是【GIFmonster】 如果你喜欢某组 …


1.PNG is an excellent filetype for internet graphics, as it supports transparency in browsers with an elegance that GIF does not possess.PHG对于网络图像来说是个极好的文件格式,因为它有一种GIF没有的典雅,支持浏览器透明度。

2.J&K: An animated . gif is usually a sequence of stills pulled from video, animated art, or other imagery that is repurposed into a . gif.J&K:GIF动画一般都是从视频、动画艺术或其他图片里提取的静止画面,然后被重新压缩制作而成的。

3.The flash-based site is very easy to use and lets you stretch and resize JPG, GIF, and PNG files using a technique known as seam carving.这个基于flash的网站非常易于使用,可以拉伸和调整JPG、GIF和PNG文件,使用的技术叫做接缝雕刻(seamcarving)。

4.Similar effect can be achieved with the help of a particular type of digital graphics, known as animated . gif images.相似的效果也可以借助特定形式的数码图形获得,这便是众所周知的.gif图像文件。

5.One color in a GIF can be designated as transparent, so that the image will have the background color of any Web page that displays it.GIF文件中的一种颜色可以被指定为透明,这样,图像将具有显示它的任何网页的背景色。

6.From the file menu, choose "Save as" , give it a name ending with the GIF extension, i. e. , "myfile. gif" and save it.从档案清单中,选择“另存新档”,给它一个名字,后面加上GIF。例:档名打“我的档案.gif”然后储存。

7.Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) and Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) are the only implemented image formats that support multiple frames.标记图像文件格式(TIFF)and图形交换格式(GIF)aretheonlyimplementedimageformatsthatsupportmultipleframes。

8.Normally, a GIF -encoded image is a sequence of pixel data in order, row by row, from the top to the bottom of the image.正常地,GIF编码图像是从上到下逐行排列的有序像素数据序列。

9.In this case, the PNG format was created as a free replacement to GIF and is now the de-facto standard for images on the web.在那时,有人创建了免费的PNG格式以替代GIF,现在PNG已经成为Web图象事实上的标准了。

10.GIF is widely used for transmitting images across the Internet.GIF广泛用于在Internet上传输图像。