


美式发音: [ɑr] 英式发音: [ɑ:]

abbr.(=account receivable)应收账

英文单词:增强现实(Augmented Reality);氩(Argon);氩气


abbr.1.(=account receivable)应收账2.元素氩 (argon) 的符号3.aryl radical.【化学】芳基4.(=annual return)年度报告5.【保】(=all risks)综合险6.〈外〉(=anno regni)...朝代7.〈美俚〉(=armed robbery)(警察用语)武装抢劫8.(=all rail)全程铁路(运输)1.(=account receivable)应收账2.元素氩 (argon) 的符号3.aryl radical.【化学】芳基4.(=annual return)年度报告5.【保】(=all risks)综合险6.〈外〉(=anno regni)...朝代7.〈美俚〉(=armed robbery)(警察用语)武装抢劫8.(=all rail)全程铁路(运输)

abbr.1.(=account receivable)2.(=annual return)3.[Insurance](=all risks)4.<foreign>(=anno regni)5.<slang,AmE>(=armed robbery)6.(=all rail)1.(=account receivable)2.(=annual return)3.[Insurance](=all risks)4.<foreign>(=anno regni)5.<slang,AmE>(=armed robbery)6.(=all rail)


1.增强现实(Augmented Reality)间9月17日消息,西班牙电信周一宣布与 惠普 旗下增强现实AR)公司Aurasma达成合作关系,将对增强现实技术进行大笔 …

2.氩(Argon)内氧气浓度使燃烧反应无法持续,在密闭防护空间中使用氩气(Ar)系统相较於二氧化碳(CO2)系统安全,因为当氩气系统启动 …

4.阿根廷(Argentina) AM 亚美尼亚 AR 阿根廷 AT 奥地利 ...

5.雄激素受体(androgen receptor)雄激素受体AR)存在于细胞核中,其基因编码位于x染色体。AR-mRNA主要存在于雄激素相关组织中,给予雄激素可产生降 …

6.扩增实境扩增实境(AR)的未来趋势 « PanSci 泛科学扩增实境(AR)的未来趋势pansci.tw扩增实境(Augmented reality)是将真实世界与数 …

7.分析纯(Analytical reagent)(2)分析纯AR),又称二级试剂,纯度很高,99.7%,略次于优级纯,适合于重要分析及一般研究工作,使用红色瓶签。(…


1.He paused, open-mouthed, on the verge of the pit of his own depravity and utter worthlessness to breathe the same ar she did.他张着嘴,打住了,在快要落入堕落的深渊时打住了。他完全不配跟她呼吸同一种空气!

2.Anxiety and stress, often as the result of a traumatic life event, are sometimes the cause of ni g ht m ar e and bad dreams.通常在经历了一次创伤生活事件后导致出现的焦虑和压力有时候是引起噩梦和坏梦的原因。

3.Yes, that's right . Just a promissory note and an AR assignment is all that we'll need.是的,就是这样。我们银行所需要的只是一张期票和一张应收帐款转让单据。

4.Max, Norm, and a few of the avatars hold AR's as the personnel of Hell's Gate file up the cargo ramp of the remaining shuttle.麦克斯、诺姆和少数几个阿凡达手握AR型自动步枪,看着地狱之门的员工们登上航天飞机的舷梯。

5.It still seems a bit far fetched in 2009, yet there are apps that are beginning to make it a reality.尽管在2009年,AR技术看起来还是有些遥不可及,但有些应用程序已经开始将其实现。

6.countable usually singular She thought she would not be able to be ar the load of bringing up her family alone.她认为她无法独自一人担负起养家活口的重任。

7.For that perfect fantasy, For year I had been searching. But, I find it in my arms, right now, You ar all to me.为了那个美丽的梦想但是现在发现它就在臂弯里,已经寻找了多年。就是全部。

8.Association Rule (AR), one of the most active branches of DM, has been used in the analysis on customer's behavior.作为数据挖掘领域近十几年来最活跃的分支,关联规则越来越多地被应用到客户行为分析。

9.Despite his performance at the Oscars ceremony and being caught up in all the glitz and adulation, Rahman is a reluctant star.尽管他在奥斯卡盛典上的表现及为奢华与恭维所包围,AR拉曼仍是个低调的明星。

10.Our house was just a block aw ay from ar sailor ad underpass, which then was m ade of rough tar-co gated timbers.我家离铁路地下通道仅一个街区。那时的地下通道是用涂了柏油的粗糙木材建起来的。