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英文单词:组织分解结构(Organizational Breakdown Structure);光突发交换(Optical Burst Switching);海底地震仪(ocean bottom seismograph)



1.组织分解结构(Organizational Breakdown Structure)一款音乐手机,A105首次采用了OPPO手机特有的OBSOPPO Basic System)音效系统,即独立音频处理芯片、YAMAHA …


1.The contention solution strategy for solving the contention problem among bursts in an optical burst switching(OBS) network is researched.主要研究解决光突发交换(OBS)网中突发数据包之间争夺链路资源问题的竞争解决机制。

2.Conventional flavors of TCP available for Packet Based Networks do not fully fit in OBS paradigm.现有的多种TCP协议专为包交换网络设计,并不是完全适合于OBS。

3.Analysis on Optical Burst Switching( OBS )network performance based on the Poisson model would not be exactly.使用泊松业务流模型对光突发交换网络进行性能分析不能准确地反映网络状态。

4.On this basis, the clustering algorithm in edge nodes, control protocols in OBS networks are studied seriously.并在此基础上详细的浅析浅析了边缘节点的汇聚算法、光突发交换网络中的制约协议。

5.OBS: It was not clear which process had been outsourced.观察项:不清楚组织有哪些外包过程。

6.Actually control network is a packet switching network. So the self-similar traffics also bring negative effect to OBS network performance.实际上,控制网络就是一个分组交换网络,因而呈自相似的业务一样会对OBS网络性能带来负面影响。

7.The routing technology plays an important role in OBS technology and has a great influence on the performance of OBS network.路由技术在光突发交换中起重要作用,在很大程度上影响着光突发交换网络的性能。

8.finally, the reserved wavelengths and optimization method were adopted to achieve OBS routing.最后利用预留的波长,采用优化方法得到OBS路由。

9.OBS: It is not clear whether the document revised when tool modification.观察项:不清楚组织是否明确了工装图纸极其修订标识的管理。

10.The paper proposes a novel rate-based congestion control scheme in optical burst switching (OBS) networks.针对光突发交换网络中的拥塞问题,提出了一种基于速率的拥塞反馈控制策略。