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网络释义:真实临时入境(Genuine Temporary Entrant);中国燃气涡轮研究院(Gas Turbine Estabpshment);绿茶提取物(Green Tea Extract)



1.真实临时入境(Genuine Temporary Entrant)  新标准Genuine Temporary EntrantGTE)的核心内容为:  1、取消签证预评估的要求---在获取签证的时间上更快;   2、降低 …

2.中国燃气涡轮研究院(Gas Turbine Estabpshment)中国燃气涡轮研究院GTE) 是中国从事低排放燃烧研究的领先研究机构。 GTE重点研究精益预混预蒸发(LPP),其中包括 …

3.绿茶提取物(Green Tea Extract)1、绿茶提取物GTE)对多种致癌物诱导的动物肿瘤包括皮肤、肺、胃、食管、结肠、十二指肠等肿瘤有抑制作用。其机理十 …


1.No such clarity of strategic intent and strategic architecture appeared to exist at GTE.似乎在GTE中没有这样清晰的战略意图和战略架构。

2.J: really? I'll take it, and I'm leaving here tomorrow. Is it possible for you to send one in black to me by mail when you gte it in?是吗?那我买了。另外,我明天就走了,你们有了黑色的,能给我寄一件过去吗?。

3.The heat transfer performance in series form and parallel connection form two U-bend loops and single U-bend loop GTE was expatiated.进一步阐述串联形式与并联形式、双U型管与单U型管埋地换热器的传热性能。

4.The queries below should give the same results ( "gte" means "greater than or equal, " and "lt" means "less than" ).下面的查询应该可以给出相同的结果(“gte”表示“大于或等于”,而“lt”表示“小于”)。

5.Swimmers excrete one complete arm stroke with the left arm, placing it over gte right arm when it comes back to the starting position.运动员左臂做一次完整划臂动作之后,左手移至右手背上。

6.GTE persists in seeking for an advanced position in aero-engine design, test and instrumentation technologies.中国燃气涡轮研究院以追求航空发动机设计、试验、测试技术研究能力和水平在行业内领先为理念;

7.According to Sigma, its GTE prototype is more innovative than other offerings on the market due to its twin DC motor design.根据六西格玛,其肾小球原型更具创新性比其他产品在市场上由于其双直流电动机设计。

8.The results show that GTE of concrete increases with the amount of water and paste-aggregate ratio.试验结果表明,混凝土热膨胀系数随单位用水量、浆集比的增大而升高。

9.AIM: To evaluate the effect of reverse manipulation and serial long leg casting on congenital tappes equinovarus (GTE).目的:观察应用逆转手法按摩和系列石膏固定治疗先天性马蹄内翻足的疗效。