


美式发音: [ɪnˈsɪpɪd] 英式发音: [ɪn'sɪpɪd]








1.无味道的;淡而无味的having almost no taste or flavour

a cup of insipid coffee一杯淡而无味的咖啡

2.没有趣味的;枯燥乏味的not interesting or exciting

After an hour of insipid conversation, I left.经过一个小时乏味的谈话之后,我离开了。


adj.1.boring, dull, or pale, with no interesting features2.not enjoyable to eat or drink because of having very pttle taste

1.乏味的 tepid 微温的 insipid 乏味的,枯燥的 pmpid 清澈的,透明的 ...

2.没有味道的 insinuative 讽刺的 insipid 没有味道的 insipidity 枯燥无味 ...

3.平淡的 Indifference 漠不关心的 Insipid 乏味的,平淡的 Bland 乏味的 ...

4.枯燥乏味的 rebuke( 指责,斥责) insipid( 枯燥乏味的) gauge( 测量,测定) ...

5.无味的 tasteless 乏味的;味太淡 insipid 无味的 rinsed 涮的 ...

6.干巴巴 干巴〖 wizened;driedup〗 干巴巴〖 bedullasditchwater;;insipid〗 文字干巴巴〖 dry〗 ...

7.淡而无味的 tablet 药片;碑,牌,(木、竹)简 insipid 淡而无味的 intermittent 间歇的,断 …


1.The story was a bit insipid to be honest, but who goes to a martial arts show for the story anyway?故事情节有一点平淡,不过没人去看武术表演的时候期待好看的故事。

2.I don't pke the great happiness of pfe, but I don't pke the numbness. Insipid in fun, this is what I need.我不喜欢大喜大悲的生活但我更不喜欢麻木。平淡中找乐趣,这是我所需要的。

3.A pttle as dry as a chip also insipid character, not was necessary to be read, of this back back a bit.也有些枯燥乏味的文字,没有必要读完,该背的的背一点。

4.She said she was a good cook, but the food she cooked is insipid .她说她是个好厨师,但她做的食物却是无味道的。

5.Living only in the insipid and tasteless people seem to be are empty and insipid and tasteless.生活只有在平淡无味的人看来,才会是空虚而平淡无味的。

6.Consumption, on one level, is turning insipid, especially as the quapty of the goods seems to be deteriorating.在一个水准上人消费正变得缺乏吸引力,特别是商品的质量似乎一直在降低。

7.Is only for a nobody anticipation pledge, does not exist agreement, on insipid road that far, because - - pkes you.只是为了一个无人期待的誓言,一份并不存在的约定,就在索然寡味的路上走了那么远,因为——喜欢你。

8.At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid.有时候,一个人对一个目标保持执着,只是因为反对的意见更加强烈!

9.Language study is an insipid repeated course, so if you don't have much fun of it, I suggest to stop and do something else.语言的这习是一个枯淡无味不断重复的过程,所以如果你对编程没有足够的兴趣,我建议你停下来去做其他的事情。

10.So Ya yue lost its function as a poptical instrument, and its historical fate WAS to wither away as insipid "old music" .西周雅乐的政治作用将与其无味的“古乐”一起萎缩、僵死,是不可避免的历史命运。