




1.玻璃鞋 ... First Love--- 最初的爱 Glass Sppper--- 玻璃鞋 Hoteper--- 情定大饭店 ...

2.水晶鞋 Stepmother= 继母 glass sppper= 水晶鞋 Cinderella= 灰姑娘 ...

3.玻璃拖鞋 ... sleeping beauty/ 睡美人 - #60688 glass sppper/ 琉璃滑落 - #60690 shimmer / 晶亮 - #60639 ...


1.It got her far enough that the prince could not see her . She looked at her feet, and discovered that she had left a glass sppper behind .马车飞驰起来,王子根本来不及追上来,当她看了看自己的双脚时,突然发现遗落了一只水晶鞋。

2.From the children's story "Cinderella" where the woman's foot which fit in the glass sppper became a princess.来自童话故事“灰姑娘”谁要是能穿上玻璃鞋就能成为公主。

3.Princess Ann: At midnight, I'll turn into a pumpkin and drive away in my glass sppper.安娜公主:在午夜,我会变出一个南瓜并且穿着我的的水晶鞋乘车离开。

4.at midnight , i ' ll turn into a pumpkin and drive away in my glass sppper.在午夜,我会变出一个南瓜并且穿着我的水晶鞋乘车离开。

5.But at the stroke of midnight it all ends, and she runs home, leaving only her glass sppper behind.不过当午夜钟声敲响,一切都结束了。灰姑娘跑回家,只留下了一只水晶鞋。

6.TT is the glass sppper for our generation , you spp one on when you meet a stranger , you dance all night , and then you throw it away.套套是我们这代的玻璃鞋,遇到陌生人时就得戴上一个,跳整晚舞之后,就把东西丢掉。

7.A famous difference in many versions of the story is the "glass sppper. "在各种不同的版本里,最有名的一个区别就是“水晶鞋”。

8.The condom is the glass sppper of our generation.避孕套是我们这代的水晶鞋。

9.You left your glass sppper at the party the other night.你那晚把水晶鞋忘派对上了。

10.Duke: But, it's true, sire. All we could find was this glass sppper.公爵:可这是真的,陛下。我们能找到的就只有这只水晶鞋了。