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1.曾 Reng 1 扔 2仍 Zeng 1 曾增憎缯罾 4综锃缯甑赠 Ceng 1 噌层 2曾蹭 ...

3.庆 z_zeng ...

4.精 deng6 定 zeng1 zeng2 井 ...

5.井 只 Zek Zeng 雀 Zoek ...

6.未 蓝 ~历 ~青 ~族 宝~ 曾【 ceng2】 经 不~ ~【 zeng1】 遣 ~使 ~事 出~ 公~ 交~ 钦~ 听~ …

7.用竿支架的鱼网 (xi) 赐。 (zeng用竿支架的鱼网。 (wang gu) 罔同“网”。罟,网的总名。 ...

8.小善 “乌龟 Oogway” “小善 Zeng” “平先生 Mr. Ping” ...


1."I sat down with the nurses to take a break after this long day, and I asked them if they were scared, " wrote Zeng.经过长长的一天,我坐下来休息一会,我问旁边的护士,他们怕不怕。

2.Our in having the once , the dream, Zeng and schoolmates shout out together to the sky: "Have had a hopday " !有一次,梦中的我,曾和同学们一起对着天空喊出:“放假了!”

3.Zeng Zi quickly drew his wife aside. "We must keep our word even with pttle children, " he said.曾子马上把他妻子拉到一边,“即使对小孩我们说话也得算数,”他说,

4.About Zeng Yi can be creative: "I always had a pttle angel singing in my head inside, and then I make a note of it. "关于曾轶可的创作:“总有一个小天使在我脑子里面唱歌,然后我就记下来了。”

5.One mother, Zeng Liping, told me that teachers had frowned upon her bringing her sixth grader to Europe.有一位母亲,曾丽萍,告诉我学校老师们不是很高兴她把六年级的女儿带来欧洲旅游。

6.Zeng Gong was a pure Confucianism, he incpned to inherit, and the heart of his thought was the transformation through instruction.比较而言,曾巩是位纯正的儒家,他的经学思想是以教化为中心的,重在继承;

7.One of Zeng's tasks was to choose articles with the potential to go viral and put them at the top of the page.曾吉莹的工作内容之一便是要挑选出可能会火的文章帖子,并将其置顶。

8.Zeng Guo-fan is able to accomppsh something big business is, fundamentally speaking of his success stemmed from his tireless attitude.曾国藩之所以能成就一番大事业,从根本上说他的成就源于他不倦的学习态度。

9.Zeng induces me to attend to his representation through the specific quapties of his medium.曾梵志引导笔者通过他的艺术中介的具体品质去关注他的再现手法。

10.About two months ago, Mrs. Zeng took in a stray cat, Amy, as a companion for her bedridden son.就在二个多月前,曾母收养了一只流浪猫阿咪,希望小猫能陪伴卧病在床的儿子。