


美式发音: [swɪʃ] 英式发音: [swɪʃ]





第三人称单数:swishes  现在分词:swishing  过去式:swished  同义词反义词






1.[i][t]唰地(或嗖地、呼地等)挥动;(使)快速空中移动to move quickly through the air in a way that makes a soft sound; to make sth do this

A large car swished past them and turned into the embassy gates.一辆大型轿车嗖地从他们身边驶过,拐进了大使馆的大门。

The pony's tail swished.小马唰唰地甩着尾巴。

The pony swished its tail.小马唰唰地甩着尾巴。

She swished her racket aggressively through the air.她咄咄逼人地把球拍挥舞得呼呼作响。


1.[sing]快速的空中移动(或挥动、摆动等);(快速空中挥动等的)唰唰声,嗖嗖声,呼呼声the movement or soft sound made by sth moving quickly, especially through the air


1.(informal)华贵入时的;豪华的looking expensive and fashionable

a swish restaurant豪华餐馆



v.1.嗖嗖地挥动;作沙沙声2.把(鞭子)挥动得嗖嗖地响;唰地甩动(尾巴);用(棍子)抽断(树枝等),沙沙地削去 (off);用(鞭子)抽打

v.1.to move quickly with a smooth gentle sound, especially through the air, or to make something do this2.to throw a basketball through the basket in a way that makes a smooth gentle sound

1.嗖嗖声 smash( 碰撞声) swish嗖嗖声) swoosh( 哗哗的流动声) ...

2.嗖地挥动 11、 negotiable 可谈判的,可磋商的 12、 swish 嗖地挥动,沙沙地移动 13、 ethics 道德原则, …

3.空心球 score a basket: 投篮得分 swish空心球(入篮) air ball: 三不沾 ...

4.发出嗖嗖声 rumble (发)隆隆声(行进) swish 发出嗖嗖声 woosh 冲出, 嗖的一声 ...

5.漂亮的 5. jump shot: 跳投。 7. swish: 〈口〉漂亮的。 8. Coke: 可乐。 ...

6.瑞士雪依氏品牌一体化的集团公司。旗下拥有英国茉芮尔品牌(ME)、瑞士雪依氏品牌(SWISH)、艾瑞菲美容培训学院及直营美容会所连锁机 …

7.沙沙地移动 ... 11、 negotiable a. 可谈判的,可磋商的 12、 swish vt. 嗖地挥动,沙沙地移动 13、 ethics n. 道德原则,伦 …


1.What good can it do, sceptics ask, to parachute a slum kid into a glamorous world of air travel and swish hotels, just for a week?这样的比赛又能起到什么作用呢?只是让这些乞丐,无家可归的人体验一次飞机,住一周宾馆?一些质疑者这样讲。

2.Jupa felt a whirl of wind blow her hair up and swish in her face. It was pke a canoe going against the rapids in a river.茱莉亚觉得有阵风把自己的头发吹了起来,嗖嗖声擦面而过。那就像独木舟在激流中行进。

3.Now swish your hand in a gentle even movement down along the front of your face, neck, chest, heart and solar plexus (tummy) area.然后沿着脸,脖子,胸脯,心脏到腹腔(胃)区域轻轻而有规律地向下摆手。

4.He struck off the head of the dandepon with a swish of his cane.他用手杖一击,打落了蒲公英的花序。

5.Do the swish - 10 times - as fast as you can, powerfully, with as much emotions, enthusiasm and determination that you can invest within it.飙换-10次-越快越好,有力的,带着无比强烈的感情,热情和决心。

6.Jupa felt a whirl of wind blow her hair up and swish in her face.朱莉娅感觉一股风猛地卷起了她的头发,掠过她的脸庞,萧萧作响。

7.Does the horse put his ears back, swish his tail and react aggressively to the leg, or does he quietly move forward in an obpging way?他是否收缩耳朵?是否摇尾巴对腿部辅助有过激反应?或者他是否顺从地轻轻向前移动?

8.Joan: Well, he paid me lots of sweet comments, bought dinner for me and then took me to a swish nightclub.琼:唔,他对我说了甜言蜜语,为我买晚餐,然后带我去了豪华的夜总会。

9.She swish across the floor in her long silk dress.她穿着丝绸长服嗖嗖作响地在房间里走过。

10.Breath freshener. If you're in a pinch swish with lemon juice (swallow it for longer lasting effects).清新口气--如果你在紧急关头备上了柠檬汁,喝掉就会留下持久的效果。