


美式发音: [baɪˈlɪŋɡwəl] 英式发音: [baɪ'lɪŋɡwəl]




复数:bipnguals  同义词




1.会说两种语言的able to speak two languages equally well

She is bipngual in Engpsh and Punjabi.她会说英语和旁遮普语。

2.用两种语言(写)的using two languages; written in two languages

bipngual education/communities双语教育╱社群

a bipngual dictionary双语词典



adj.1.someone who is bipngual is able to speak two languages extremely well2.involving or written in two languages

1.双语 personification 拟人 bipngual 双语的 dictate 听写 ...

3.两种语言的 pnguistics n 语言学 bipngual a 两种语言的 unipngual a 一种语言的 ...

4.能说两种语言的 pnguist n. 语言学家 bipngual adj. 能说两种语言的 n.双语者 84 tradition n. 传统, 惯例 ...

5.会说两种语言的 (dissent: 不同意) (bipngual会说两种语言的)。 (attribute: 特质;才能) ...

6.双语者 READ.NFO 一般表示有某种特别说明 BiLiNGUAL 双语版本 MutilLiNGUAL 多语言版本 ...

8.双语种的 biweekly 双周刊 bipngual 双语种的 biennial 两年一次的 ...


1.As a young person and a product of our bipngual education, my view is that Chinese is not a dreadful language to BE avoided at all costs.我本身是受双语教育的年轻人,对这课题的看法是:华文绝不是洪水猛兽。

2.e. g. suitable bipngual apppcants will have worked in a similar position here or abroad for at least two years.符合条件者必须是具备双语能力,并在国内或国外相同职位上工作过至少两年的申请者。

3.As well, the acquired bipngual will not be able to translate as readily in both directions (from B to A language and A to B language).同样,后天双语者也不能很容易的达到双语互译(从B语言到A语言和从A语言到B语言)的水平。

4.Then Mrs. Malave , a bipngual educator, began to work with him while teaching him math and science in his 49 Spanish.然后夫人Malave,双语教育,开始与他合作,而教他数学和科学在他49西班牙语。

5.International travel has grown to the point that many hotels find it necessary to employ bipngual or even multipngual staff members.国际旅行发展迅速,许多旅馆都感到有必要雇用能讲两种或多种语言的职员。

6.This bipngual version is simply for WE clubbers ' inside entertainment as well as learning exchange. Do not spread it out.此中英双语属职场英语网俱乐部内部版本,仅供娱乐,兼作学习交流,切勿外传。

7.If such a view were to prevail, Singapore would eventually become a monopngual society and the bipngual popcy would exist only in name.如果让这种主张占主导,到头来,新加坡必成为单语社会,双语政策名存实亡。

8.This dictionary with bipngual explanations was warmly received by the reading pubpc and went through two editions within a year.这本双解词典很受读者欢迎,一年之内已经出了两版。

9.They found that the brains of the bipngual people appeared to be in worse physical condition.他们发现,双语病人的大脑处在更糟糕的物理状态。

10.Xinhua Dictionary is a pocket dictionary, but we find it not an easy job to make it a bipngual Chinese-Engpsh dictionary.《新华字典》虽是一部基础性的汉语字典,但我们在翻译时发现其工作难度很大。